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     "Do we have to be up so early?" I yawned.

"The Governor is lookin' for the two of us, we gotta make like diarrhea and run." Merle replied.

"Dude, not this early in the mornin'. I'm used to your jokes and shit, but it's to early for this." I groaned.

"Then stop askin' questions and get movin." Merle nudged me to walk forward.

"GAH!" I hissed. "Jesus, Merle, watch it!"

"Will y'all keep it down? Or do ya want The Governor to find us?" Daryl grumbled.

"Whatever, I gotta take a piss anyways." Merle scoffed and walked over to a tree.

"Ain't nothin' out here but mosquitoes and ants."

"Patience, little brother. Sooner or later, a squirrel is bound to scurry across your path."

"Even so, that ain't much food."

"More than nothin'."

"This'd be easier if I had my shit I left back at Woodbury." I groaned.

"Yeah, but we can't exactly go back and get it, now can we?" Merle scoffed. "Even so, ya wouldn't even be able to pull back your string in the state you're in. Best to leave the huntin' to the men."

"Excuse me? Who was it who shot the bear while your pansy ass was hidin' up a tree?"

"Ya ain't gonna let me live that down, are ya?" Merle laughed.

"Not a chance, old man."

"We'd have better luck goin' through one of them houses we passed back on the turnoff." Daryl added.

"Is that what your new friends taught ya? Hmm? To loot for booty?" Merle scoffed.

"We've been at it for hours. Why don't we find a stream, try to look for some fish?"

"I think you're just tryin' to lead me back to the road, man. Get me over to that prison."

"They got shelter. Food. A pot to piss in. Michaela needs to get her back looked at, it's gotten worse since yesterday. Might not be a bad idea."

"For y'all, maybe. Ain't gonna be no damn party for me."

"Everyone will get used to each other."

"They're all dead. Makes no difference."

"How can ya be so sure?"

"Right about now, he's probably hostin' a housewarmin' party where he's gonna bury what's left of your pals."

"Merle." I warned.

"I ain't gonna lie. Ya know what The Governor's like just like I do. Now am I right or not?"

"Ya can't just assume they're fuckin' dead though. Fuck, Merle, ya don't gotta be so negative all the fuckin' time." Merle scoffed and walked past Daryl and me.

"Let's go hook some fish." Daryl and I looked at each other before finally following Merle.

"How's your back?" Daryl asked.

"Ya want the truth or do ya wanna hear somethin' that'll lighten' the mood?"

"I was kinda hopin' for some good news."

"Well, to be honest, it feels like I got into a wrestlin' match with Freddy Krueger." Daryl slightly smiled. "I was hopin' to go both ways on your question."

Surviving The Walking Dead (BOOK ONE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now