Woodbury Picnic

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Three Weeks Later

"C'mon, doc, can't ya take this thing off me yet?" I asked as I shoved a pen down into my cast to reach an itch.

"Now, Michaela, you've only been in a cast for four weeks, you need to-" Dr. Stevens took the pen away from me. "You need to wear it for a few more weeks."

"But it feels fine. Itchy as fuck, but it don't hurt."

"It isn't going to hurt, however, your bones are still mending. One wrong move and you'll re-break your hand and you'll need to wear the cast even longer." I silently grumbled to myself. "Look, I know it sucks, but these next few weeks will go by faster than you know it." Dr. Stevens smiled. "Now, get going. If you're late, The Governor will throw a fit."

"I don't see why we even need to have a party."

"It's a picnic, not a party, and he wants to try and start new traditions. On top of that it's a way of welcoming you to Woodbury."

"I've been here for three weeks, why does he need to welcome me now?"

"I wanted to give ya time to adjust." I turned around to see The Governor standing in the doorway. "Good news?"

"Nah, still gotta wear it for another few weeks." I sighed.

"Don't worry, darlin', it'll be off before ya know it."

"I know, I'm just tired of guard duty and the simple shit. I wanna go huntin', go on runs, shit that'll get my adrenaline pumpin'."

"And ya will, ya just need to wait." I gently nodded and followed The Governor outside. The streets were filled with civilians, excitement, and the smell of baked goods and venison on the grill.

"I still think this is a waste of time."

"Why's that?"

"Well, for one, it's a waste of resources."

"Everythin' will be eaten."

"The noise will attract walkers."

"We've got a wall and guards." The Governor placed his hands on my shoulders. "Don't worry, Michaela. Just relax, have fun." I sighed and gently nodded. "Good. Now, do me a favor and go find Merle. Everyone is to attend, even his grumpy ass."

"Okay." I walked back towards my house, but once I reached my front porch, I began to hear strange noises coming from inside. "Great." I thought to myself. "Merle has company." I opened the door and instantly shielded my eyes. "OH, MY GOD!"

"WHAT THE HELL?" The woman screamed as she covered herself up.


"It's my fuckin' house, too, besides it's the fuckin' living room! That shit should be happenin' in your bedroom!"

"She didn't wanna go into my room, it was either your room, the kitchen, or right here."

"Well thank you for takin' me and our food into consideration." I sighed. "Why didn't she wanna go into your room?"

"It smells horrible in there." The woman groaned.

"It does not." Merle denied.

"Actually, Merle, it does. I've cleaned every inch of this place, except your room. When are ya gonna let me clean it?"

"Is that what it takes for me to get ya into my bedroom?" Merle teased.

"You're right, it don't smell that bad." I turned to the woman. "Gather your shit and get goin', The Governor's wantin' to start this fuckin' picnic bullshit soon." The woman nodded and climbed off of Merle and gathered her clothes and ran for the bathroom. "Same goes to you, old man."

Surviving The Walking Dead (BOOK ONE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now