Killer in the Ranks

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     "RICK" We all looked towards the prison to see Tyreese running at us with panic written across his face.

     "What is it?" Rick asked

     "Come quick!" Daryl helped me to my feet and we all ran for the prison. Tyreese led us through the tombs and out a back door. I instantly gasped. Carol stood in shock as two blackened corpses were lying on the ground, smoking, sizzling, even though the fire was completely out.

     "Oh, my God." I whimpered. I quickly turned away, burying my face into Daryl's chest. I couldn't look, it reminded me too much of my mom. The same burnt to a crisp skin, the same smell, the same gut wrenching feeling.

     "Ya found 'em like this?" Rick asked.

     "I came to see Karen... and I saw the blood on the floor." Tyreese mumbled as he pointed to the blood trail leading from the door to the bodies. "Then I smelled them.Somebody dragged them out here and set them on fire! They killed them and set them on fire!" Tyreese quickly stepped up to Rick. Daryl gently pushed me aside to get ready to defend Rick. "You're a cop. You find out who did this and you bring them to me. You understand? You bring them to me!"

     "Hey, man. We'll find out who-" Daryl reached for Tyreese's arm, but Tyreese quickly jerked away.

     "I need to say it again?"

     "No." Rick sighed. "No. I know what you're feelin', I've been there. Ya saw me there. It's dangerous."

     "Karen didn't deserve this! David didn't deserve it! Nobody does!"

     "Alright, man, let's-" Daryl grabbed Tyreese's arm again.

     "Man, I ain't going nowhere until I find out who did this!" Tyreese grabbed Daryl by his vest and pinned him against the gate door. Rick and Carol instantly ran towards Tyreese and I drew my gun. It had no bullets, but Tyreese didn't know that, I just needed to get him off Daryl. Daryl raised his hands at us, telling us to back off.

     "We're on the same side, man."

     "Hey, look, I know what you're goin' through." Rick continued. "We've all lost someone. We know what you're goin' through right now, but you've gotta calm down."

    "YOU NEED TO STEP THE HELL BACK!" Tyreese snarled as he shoved Rick back.

     "She wouldn't want ya bein' like this." POW! Tyreese slammed his fist into Rick's face.

     "No! Stop!" Carol pleaded. Rick looked up at Tyreese, slightly dazed as to what just happened. POW! Tyreese slammed his fist into his face again. I instantly threw my gun to the ground and ran towards Tyreese. I jumped onto his back, wrapping my legs around his torso as I put him into a chokehold. Tyreese clawed at my arms as he struggled to breathe.

     "That's enough!" Daryl grunted as he tried to pry me off of him, but I tightened my squeeze around his neck. "Michaela, that's enough! He can't breathe!" As soon as I loosened my grip, Tyreese grabbed me and slammed me onto the ground. I instantly began to cough, trying to replace the air that had just been knocked out of me. "HEY!" Daryl wrapped his arms around Tyreese's arms. POW! Daryl instantly let go as Rick's fist slammed into Tyreese's face, causing him to fall to the ground. "Rick!" POW! Rick kicked Tyreese in the gut and climbed on top of him. POW! POW! POW! POW!

     Daryl ran over to Rick and wrapped his arms around him, trying to pull him off of Tyreese. "LET GO OF ME!"


Surviving The Walking Dead (BOOK ONE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now