Teed off

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     Today's the day that Andrea and Michonne are leaving Woodbury. I told Michonne what Merle told me about their run, and she had a feeling that's what happened, especially since she noticed bullet holes in the humvees. Michonne said that after they go to the prison, they'll leave me a sign to tell me if it's them, a tree with with a long, wide cut into it. The next time Merle and I got out, we'd find the prison and look for the tree.

     Merle had an idea on how to get us out of Woodbury, but I was skeptical about it. The Governor has been keeping an extra close eye on me since we came back with that bear in the winter, which tasted fantastic if I do say so myself. But even with him keeping an eye on me, we still managed to sneak out for hunting trips. The Governor has sent for me to join him for golf, which I had managed to avoid these past few days.

     "Merle." The Governor smiled. "I sent for Michaela, didn't expect you to join us."

     "Nah, just came to talk to ya about somethin'." Merle said as he and I climbed up a ladder to the top of a bus where The Governor was hitting golf balls into the empty street on the other side. THWACK! The Governor swung at a golf ball, hitting a walker in the face down the street. "Whew." Merle whistled. "Pretty good."

     "We should visit Agusta." The Governor smiled. "Take only the women and let them play. It'll be historic." The Governor handed me a golf club. My boss Ty used to golf, I think he said this club was called a driver. I'm clueless to sports. I mean, I know some things, like names of athletes and shit, but the actual sport itself, I was completely oblivious.

     "And break decades of tradition?"

    "Absolutely." The Governor placed a golf ball down on some weird green rug material and moved aside. I took his place and took aim at the ball. THWACK! I swung as hard as I could, but the ball only went a few yards. "You weren't kiddin' when ya said you never played before." The Governor smiled and grabbed me by my shoulders, positioning me properly.  He placed another golf ball in front of me between my legs, I lifted the club. "Stop." The Governor used his golf club to touch the back of my knees. "Keep them slightly bent." I bent my knees as he said to.

     "Ya know, I was thinkin' about takin' Michaela out on a scoutin' mission later this week."

     "What for?" THWACK! I swung again, the ball went further, but not by much. "Better, but ya gotta keep your hands together."

     "Blondie. She said my brother was still alive." The Governor looked over at Merle before grabbing me another ball.

     "Eight months ago. You can track with the best of 'em, it's like a needle in a haystack."

     "She told me where I can find that farmhouse they were holed up in." Merle added.

     "He could be anywhere."

     "I know my brother. If he's out there, I'll be able to find 'em."

     "What if she gets hurt durin' this search, huh? We almost happened to Crowley last time." The Governor sighed. "I get what you're feelin', I really do, but I can't risk it. I need ya here. This whole place would fall apart without ya." THWACK! I swung again, but the ball went off into the woods.

     "This is my brother." Merle grumbled. The Governor bent over to get me another ball and looked back at Merle.

     "Tell ya what, ya get more concrete information, I'll go with ya myself. Alright?" Merle nodded. "Good. Now, if ya don't mind, Michaela and I have some golfin' to do." Merle looked at me, I nodded and Merle walked away. "Alright, show me how ya hold it." I held the golf club in my hands like I have been, and The Governor sighed. "Remember, I told ya to keep 'em together." I slid my hands together.

Surviving The Walking Dead (BOOK ONE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now