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Maisie's P.O.V

After meeting Luke's secret girlfriend, we soon found out how they met and why it's never really spoken about. The year before, Cami was doing work experience for Pop Sugar for journalism. She met the guys when doing an interview for the magazine in NY. After it being successful, she now has an internship with them, and Luke invited her on tour. They've been dating for several months, but Luke didn't want to exploit that in fears of her getting hate or anything along those lines.

Once we learned all of this, we got to know her fairly well and soon discovered she's just like us! We offered her a bunk on our bus since we had extra, and we could tell we would all end up being really close friends.

In the midst of everything, another week on tour passed by just like that. The crowds got bigger, and our popularity began to soar. Any possible chance we had to walk around, the girls and I were getting noticed, and being asked for pictures and autographs. Everything continued to feel so surreal.

With all the days behind us on the road, we all became closer and closer to the guys. It was also very obvious that Calum and Samantha liked each other. There would be times they both disappeared, and you would find them together talking or joking around with each other. It was really sweet.

Ashton also took a liking into trying to bug me all of the time. Before shows he would poke me, tap the top of my head with his drumsticks or "accidentally" trip me backstage before he went on. Whenever I tried to confront him, all he would do is that stupid little giggle he had, and act like he was doing nothing wrong.

So, as devious as I was, I convinced the girls to help me with a little project. Tonight we were in Kansas City. One of the bigger shows of the US part of the tour. The past couple of days we had been working on a dance routine, hoping to have a certain song played during the show when the boys we were in a break in their set.

John thought the idea was hilarious, and helped us get the crew to go along with it. So tonight, the girls and I went on, and played our set like usual.

As we get off stage, Ashton yells to me as I run by, "Good job Pinky!" I roll my eyes in response, getting excited for the prank we had planned.

We run into the dressing room, Cami sitting on couch, finishing up the masks she made with all of the boys faces on them.

"Cami those look f*cking amazing," I tell her, she sets down the last mask, standing up and bowing.

"Thank you, thank you. I was able to snag a shirt from each of the boys for you guys to wear. Go ahead and change!" said Cami, as she kindly set up the shirts, our own black skinny jeans, and shoes on the table.

To go along with our dancing, Chris came up with idea of us dressing like our matching counterparts. So, I slipped on my pants, throwing on one of Michael's shirts, and laced up my shoes. I walk back into the dressing room. Seeing my sister as Calum, Nicola as Ashton, and Sam as Luke. The minute we looked at each other, everyone in the room cracked up laughing, not being able to contain ourselves.

The boys shirts were obviously too big, as they hung lower than they seemed they would. Even though the boys were in shape, they were way taller than us, so the size difference made the whole situation even funnier.

We sat in the room for a bit longer, until John comes walking into the room. As soon as he walks in, he laughs too.

"You girls look ridiculous, awesome job," he states. We thank him as we all gather up our masks, and place them on our faces. "Well, Anti-5SOS, it's just about your time to shine! Let's head on out," he says as we follow John out of the room. My stomach fills with butterflies as I got more and more excited for the prank.

We stood off stage watching, as Ashton was now joining the boys. They talked about bringing up a fan, saying the crew would send her out. Zoe hadn't picked anyone tonight, knowing what we had planned.

"Lucky fan come on out!" Calum yells, as the boys looking over to where we are standing.

John speaks into his headset, "Alright, change the lights," The lights change, the boys being taken back a bit, not understanding what's happening.

"What the hell?" Michael says into the mic, now the boys become more and more confused.

"Cue music."

Not even two seconds later the familiar sound of Jump Around by the group House of Pain, begins to blare out of the speakers, the boys jump hearing the sudden sound of the music. Ashton immediately begins laughing, as the intro plays, and all four of us girls walk out.

The crowd is the one to notice us first, erupting into applause and screams seeing 4 mini 5SOS's come sauntering out.

We begin our routine, the boys turning around and seeing us dancing. They automatically know it's us, laughing so hard Calum almost falls over.

Once we were done, we take a bow with arms interlocked, the crowd loving every second of it. And as fast as we came out, we left the stage, dying as soon as we walked into the dressing room.

The boys finished their show, and we changed out of their clothes and back into ours. They walked in the dressing room, huge smiles across their faces.

"You guys are so dumb," Luke states, Michael and Calum laughing again.

"How did you guys do that?" Ashton asked, all the guys looking thoroughly impressed.

"They've been working on it for a few days, everyone in the crew was involved," Cami explained.

As we all continued talking and laughing about our little prank, John and Zoe walk into the room.

"Girls, you were awesome," John said, giving us all a round of high fives. "But, we do have some arrangement changes," Zoe says looking a bit worried.

"What's wrong?" Nicola asked, everyone's smiles leaving.

"Oh it's nothing too serious," Zoe began as everyone paid close attention, "when we tried moving the buses, pretty much everyone that was here tonight has surrounded them. It's absolute chaos out there, and we don't think it's safe if any of you tried getting on to the bus, or if you did, trying to move the bus. Both could easily have you getting hurt or the fans. So, we've got some cars waiting in secluded back area to take you to a hotel. Hopefully no one will notice, but I've double checked to make sure nobody will. So, we're going to have to clean up everything and leave as soon as we can."

Straight away, all of us began frantically cleaning up our dressing rooms, and getting everything to the crew. Once we were settled, we all mixed up, making it so that it would be a bit more "confusing" for possible fans seeing us.

Two cars sat out back, averaged size and models, hoping that they would blend in with leaving crowd. I ended up being put into a car, with Sam, Cami, Luke, and Michael. The rest of everyone was in the car following behind. We were able to leave the venue safely, and no fans managing to notice us just as we hoped.

After a quick 20 minute drive, we found ourselves at a hotel, just outside of the city. We all gathered into one of the booked rooms, hanging around with a pizza delivery. Tonight, easily becoming one of the best nights of the tour so far.

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