Sorry Doesn't Cut It

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Maisie's P.O.V

The sun shines through the hotel window as I feel something warm against my back. My eyes spring open once I realize who was laying next to me.

I forgot to kick Ashton off the bed.

His arm laid lightly around my waist as he snores softly. I sighed, as I wanted to move as quickly as possible but also wanted to revel in his arms.

I admitted to myself a while ago that I had feelings for him, but I couldn't do anything about them. He was Ashton Irwin for gods sake. Who wouldn't have a crush on him?

Slowly I picked up his arm, lifting it away from me as I surely but quietly got up from the bed. I started to get up as I felt a hand grab around my wrist.

"Don't go," Ashton grumbled half asleep.

"Ashton you know we shouldn't be doing that," I tell him feeling my cheeks turn red.

"Mais, please. I want to cuddle just a little bit longer," he begs.

I smile slightly and lay back down next to him.

"Ahh thank you," he says closing his eyes again.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

"Because I want to," he mumbles again.

"But we have to get up," I tell him as he opens his eyes now fully.

"Why?" He asks slightly more awake.

"We have to go tell Samantha what happened, before she figures it out on her own," I tell him now recalling the reason why Ashton was here in the first place.

A yell rings out from the hall and a slamming door.

"Uh oh," we say simultaneously.

We run to the door and open it to see Sam standing face to face with the girl leaving Calum and Ashton's room.

"Who the f*ck are you!?" Sam yells into the girls face.

"Obviously a girl who got with Calum Hood before you. Sorry about that sweetie," she snarls. She stood completely un-afraid of the fact she's drawing attention.

Nicola stands behind Sam, and across from us stand Luke, Michael, and Cami.

"No, uh uh. You think I care who you think you are? Because you know what? You're nothing but a one night stand. He's going to forget about you b*tch!" Sam continues, making the few other people on the hall slip back into their rooms wanting to avoid the conflict.

"Whether that's true or not, it looks like he's already forgotten about you," the girl replies.

Damn she's quick.

"Get the f*ck out of my face!" Sam yells at her, as the girl gladly picks up her bag and makes her way to the elevator.

"Sam?! Sam!?" Calum yells opening the door from his room.

"Get the f*ck away from me Calum. I can't believe you right now. After what you told me? You're sick and pathetic," she spits angrily.

Calum attempts to walk towards her, but she backs away.

"Don't you ever talk to me again Calum. I'll never trust you EVER!" And just like that she slams the door in his face. Calum begins to bang on the door hard as the rest of us stand there and watch.

"SAM! Samantha please open the door! You don't understand, you have to let me explain! Please open the door!" He yells to the locked door frame, hitting it so hard I'm sure he's leaving bruises.


Calum's P.O.V

I continued hitting the door hard, saying everything I could to get Sam to open the door.

"Guys, please don't just stand there. Help me!" I yelled to my friends watching me. I looked over to them, everyone with disappointed or angry expressions across their faces.

"Guys please. You have to get her to talk to me, I have to explain," I stammered hoping to have one of them understand.

"There's nothing for you to explain Calum. You broke your promise," Nicola states. She walks over to Maisie, and Cami follows into Maisie's room. They close the door behind them, and now I stare desperately at the boys.

"It's really not what it looks like boys," I begin but they all just shake their heads.

"Really? Because from what it seems, is that you f*cked up," Luke states crossing his arms over his chest.

"You're turning back on me too?! I thought we were friends?"

"Calum, we are your friends. But you made a promise to Samantha and broke it. What did you expect? For her not to find out?" Michael asks.

"I don't f*cking know! I wasn't thinking straight, and I hoped she'd be gone before..." I say quietly, pacing in front of Sam's door.

"Bro, Maisie and I were going to tell her anyway. Incase you forgot in your drunken self, I didn't sleep in the room with you last night," Ashton states.

"You were going to tell her?" I question.

"Of course I was, we're friends. Good friends now, I see her as a sister. I would never have let that past me, regardless of how long you and I have known each other," he continues.

I'm such an idiot. How could I have let this happen?

"Won't you help me? What am I supposed to do?" I ask, desperate for my friends help.

"We can't tell you bro. This is on you. And 'sorry' isn't going to cut it," Luke says.

I looked back at Sam's door, and down to my bruised hands.

I had to fix this.

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