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Nicola's P.O.V

I woke early the next morning, jumping into the shower, and threw on some comfortable clothes. As I finish up, I see Sam waking up, and I decide to run and jump on the bed to help her wake up.

"Sh*t Nic, seriously?" I laugh as I roll off of her.

"C'mon Sam. It's time to wake up, you can't go sleeping the day away," and she only ends up throwing her pillow at me, finally sitting up in her bed.

"Okay, just let me go shower," she mumbles, getting out of bed and making her way to bathroom.

I decide to walk out to see who else is up, to end up being face to face with Michael.

"Morning Mike," I say cheerily to him.

"Morning ugly," he smiles at me.

"Hey, that's uncalled for," I tell him, wiping the smile from my face.

"You're face is uncalled for," he replies to me, making me roll my eyes.

"Oh shut up stupid," I say to him, making him laugh.

"Stupid is as stupid does," he continues to annoy me as I walk away heading downstairs.

I see Calum and Ashton at a table, drinking coffee as I make my over to them. "Hey there," Ashton smiles at me.

"Hey guys. You know, Mike's acting a bit rude today," I tell them. They only shrug, sipping their coffee.

"Michael is always rude, you just have to ignore him. You'll get used to it eventually," Calum explains, I purse my lips understanding what he's telling me. I was a bit confused though, remembering the other night with him when we had such a great time together.

Within the next few minutes, everyone else joins us at the table, ordering food. Ashton starts teasing Maisie at one point, acting like a little kid. He takes the paper off of a straw, leaving space at the end to blow and shoot to her, hitting her in the eye. "Ashton, please stop," she tells him smiling, and all he does is giggle at her, acting like he didn't do anything wrong.

Once everyone is done, we head back to our rooms, deciding to split up into writing groups. Ashton and Calum have a couple of interviews to do today, so as they do so we sit in Luke and Michael's room to write. I pair up with Luke, thinking we can think of something unique and interesting, while Michael works with Sam and Maisie.

As the morning goes on, passing over into the afternoon, Luke and I get know each other in the process of writing. As soon as we begin talking about the song, I suggest throwing in a bit of a showtune flair into it, taking inspiration from yesterday's show.

"That sounds stupid, anyone with a brain would think so," Michael mumbles loud enough to for us to hear.

"At least I know how to use my brain," I say, looking over to him. He squints his eyes at me, not having anything to say.

"I think that's an awesome idea Nicola, maybe we can feature another instrument in it. But what?" Luke asks, tapping his pencil on his leg. Without a second thought, I speak up.

"What about trombone? We can ask Christine!" Luke smiles, liking the idea.

I pull out my phone to FaceTime Chris, hoping she'll answer.

"Hey Nicola! Hey Luke!" She waves into the camera.

"Hi Chris! How's camp?" Luke asks, "It's good! I'm having a great time. We're taking a break now, so I don't have much time to talk. Whatcha guys need?" She asks hurriedly.

"Well, Luke and I are writing a new song. It has a bit of a musical theatre vibe in it, and we thought it would be cool if you played your trombone in it! What do you think?" I ask her.

"That sounds awesome! I'd love to do it! Once you guys write the part, send it over and when I have free time I'll play it and tweak anything to send back to you guys. Sound good?" She says to me.

"Great! Have fun at camp Chris, we miss you!" I tell her and she signals she has to leave. "Miss you guys too!" And with that the call ends.

By now, it's nearing three and Ashton and Calum have come back from interviews, a bit pooped out. But without any hesitation, they begin helping us out with the music. As we were too lazy to leave, we just ordered room service throughout the day, wanting to work and finish the outline for the songs.

Nearing the end of the night, we converge together to show the two songs we wrote, our upbeat song Riffs, and a sort of love ballad inspired by Lana Del Rey called A World in Blue.

All in all, we were all really proud with what we came up with, and although they were songs in the rough, they sounded pretty good. Us girls were so happy that we were able to accomplish our goals, knowing this was all a great learning experience for the future. The boys also told us they really enjoyed spending the time with us, and were glad they could help us out.

It had gotten to be really late, and we were all a bit worn from the work. We eventually all went off to bed, ready for some well deserved rest.

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