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Nicola's P.O.V

The tour was become such a norm with now going on day twenty-five. I was having a hard remembering life without being on the road, without always being with my band, and without the guys. We have gotten to be so close with all of them, even with Michael being increasingly more rude to me.

I just didn't understand it. The first night we were in New York, and we went out to eat, everything was fine. We got to know each other, and I really loved the time we spent together. He seemed like he felt the exact same way. The next day everything changed. 'Til this day, he continues to act the same. Making stupid remarks, bugging me purposely to make me angry with him, ignoring me when it's just us two around. Then, when the others are with us, he acts like there isn't anything wrong.

I really wanted to get to the bottom of this, so today, one of our days off, I called all of the girls into the bus, hoping they can help me out.

Cami walks in, followed by Sam, Chris, then Mais. All of them seemed a bit concerned, especially since I wasn't a person who had problems with people.

"So, what's the deal Nic?" Maisie asks, as all the girls sit down around me. I breathe in deeply, and release a giant sigh.

"You guys might think it's stupid..." I trail off, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Nic, nothing you say is stupid...okay maybe sometimes but it must be important if you made all of us come in here," Chris says, I slightly smile at her.

"It's about Michael," I say, Sam suddenly grabs my arm.

"He didn't hurt you did he?" I chuckle quietly and remove her grip from my arm.

"No," I shake my head, "he didn't hurt me. Well, not physically at least," I say.

"Well, what happened then?" Cami asks.

"When we went to New York, I went to dinner with him the night we came in, it was really nice. He acted so kind, and seemed so interested in our conversations. We got to know each other so well, and I felt really good when it ended. But after that, he started being rude. For no reason! He ignores me, says down right stupid ass things, honestly trying to make me mad at him. I just, don't know what to do," I explain. All of them looked confused and sympathetic about how I was feeling.

"Have you told any of the guys?" Cami asks, knowing they could possibly help. I shake my head again.

"I tried, but Ashton and Calum said it's just the way he is. That I'll just have to get used to it," I look down at my hands.

"They're probably right, I mean, he can be a bit rude sometimes," Sam says, the other girls nodding their heads.

"But that's the thing! He's more rude to me than anyone! You guys don't see what he's like when it's just us. I really don't know how to go about this," I look back up to the girls, I could see in their eyes they felt bad for me. I didn't know why I was feeling so bothered by this, but the feeling was deep rooted, and I knew it wouldn't just go away.

"Maybe, you should confront him about it. If you leave all of these emotions bottled up, it could ruin your friendship," Maisie says, placing her hand over mine.

"You're probably right, I think that's a good idea. Thank you guys," we all gather in a big group hug. I was grateful for the friends I had.

"So, it's your day off, and Ashton and Luke said they wanted to go exploring. Want to come?" Cami asks.

"I think I should have my talk today. But it's fine, you guys go ahead. I'm too lazy to put make up on anyways," They all nod their heads, understanding where I was coming from. As they begin to get up, we hear a knock at the door.

Calum's P.O.V

All of the girls disappeared, but I figured they were probably all on their bus. Ash and Luke asked if I wanted to go with them on their exploring day, but I told them I had some things to work out with Sam.

I made my way to the bus, knocking on the door. I heard the voices from inside go silent, as Christine answers it.

"Calum! Come on in," I smile, thanking her. I walk on the bus, seeing all the girls sitting on the couch. I noticed Nicola's expression, which quickly changed once I walked in.

"Hey, you alright?" I ask her, she nods her head, smiling.

"I'm great! No worries Cal," I could feel a bit of tension in her voice, but ignored it as I knew it wasn't any thing I should involve myself in.

"Well, if you ever need your footie buddy to talk to, I'm here to help." She smiles at me, mentality thanking me.

"What did you need Cal?" Sam asks me, as I almost forgot why I was in here.

"Oh, right. I needed to talk to you actually...alone." I look down at me feet, feeling a bit shy now.

"Oh, okay. Guys? Give us a minute?" She says, all the girls nod their heads, leaving the bus.

"Everything okay?" She wonders, seeming a bit worried.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just...well...I still feel bad about what happened in New York, and I wanted to make it up to you." She lightly laughs, shaking her head.

"I told you not worry about that, it's fine," I look down again. "No, really, I insist. It was a d*ck move, and I should've paid attention. I want to take you to lunch as an apology." She walks closer to me, giving me a hug. I lay my head on top of hers, reveling in the hug.

"Sure Calum, I think that sounds great." I smile, as I grab her hand and lead her out of the bus.

I found a cool little café in Spokane. The interior was bright blue, and kind of quiet. I thought it would be fun for us to hang out here, and just be around each other. Sam was such a great girl, and there was no denying how pretty she was. I did really feel bad about what happened in the club still, even when she told me it was fine. I just wanted her to know that what people say I am, isn't always true.

A/N: The picture is of a restaurant in Melbourne, it's so cute!

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