Chapter 5

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Joy's P.O.V.

When I wake up, it's still dark outside. What time is it?

I check my phone and see that it's already 3 in the morning. I try to wiggle out of Ashton's grip, and I sit up straight.

When my eyes are used to the dark, I notice that Charlie's and Luke's places are empty.

I wonder where they are.

Just when I lay back down, I hear the front door being opened. Thieves? No, that's ridiculous. I lift my head a little bit up, just enough to see that Luke and Charlie are back. I hear them still talking:

"Hey, Luke?"


"Thanks for listening."

I can see that they're hugging. It's really nice to see that they've seemed to talk today. They didn't say a thing to eachother after Charlie fainted.

"No problem. Anything for you." I hear Luke whisper finally, and after that, it's quiet again.

After a few minutes, I think Luke's asleep. I poke Charlie with my hand, and she shoots up.

"What? What?" She whispers.

"What was that all about, huh?" I say, and it remains quiet on the other side.

"What was what?"

"You and Luke, you guys were outside. Tell me what happened."

I heared her taking a deep breath, I know this. She's going to say it was nothing.

"Nothing happened outside, Joy. I just couldn't sleep so I went outside."

"Oh, and Luke just magicly appeared next to you."

She's quiet, once again.

"I'll tell you tomorrow, okay? Just go to sleep again." She sighs, is it that serious then? I'm wondering what happened outside.

I have some thoughts in my mind, but I quickly erase them, because, if they've kissed, she'd be way happier.

I hope they didn't had a fight or..

No, that isn't possible either, why would they hug after they had a fight?

I'm out of possibilities, so I decide to go to sleep. I'm not tired anymore, all I do is shifting around in my bed.

I hope I don't wake anyone because of my noises.

Too late, I hear Ashton groaning.

"Why're you still up this late?" He asks, I really need to hold myself in, not to burst out laughing because of his raspy voice. It's hot, yeah, but it's so cute.

"I just talked to Charlie for a little bit." I answer, and Ashton raises one eyebrow.

"She couldn't sleep, so she went outside for a while." I say, "Luke. He was there too." I whisper, winking at Ash, but I'm not sure if he can see it.

"Those two? What'd they do?"

"Talk, probably. Charlie is going go tell me when it's morning." I answer. I look over to Charlie, and I spot her already fast asleep.

Her hand is placed next to her face, and.. Oh.

"Ash. Ashton! Ashton, look over!" I poke him in his cheek.


"Look at Charlie's hand." I say, pointing over to hers.

"What about it, it's just her.. Oh." He says, he clearly understands me.

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