Chapter 17

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Charlie's P.O.V.

It's been one day since I'm fired from the hospital, Luke offered to stay over at his place, so he can keep an eye on me.

And it's also a lame excuse for him to celebrate New Years with me.

I glance over to my watch, it's only one in the afternoon.

Only 11 hours of 2013 left.

If I can think about the past twelve months, this year wasn't as bad as the previous.

The last five months were very fun, but also emotional.

Two suicide attempts aren't nothing.

2014 is going to be different.

I'm going to quit cutting.

I know, I said it before, and it's really hard to stop.

But I need to focus on the people around me, who actually care about me.

That's what I really need to not think about my problems and dissorders.

I'm being snapped out of my thoughts by Luke, who threw something on my lap.

"What?" I blur out.

"We're going to game, obviously. I assumed you already knew since I threw a controller at you." He shrugs, sitting next to me while crossing his legs.

"What game? Please no Modern War, I suck at it." I say, thinking about last time I played it. Lets just say I was shooting birds instead of enemies.

Luke chuckles at my statement, showing his dimples.

"Don't worry, I bought a new game for you, you'll love it."

He hands me over the package, still in the seethrough foil.

Beyond Two Souls, the white bold letters say. I wanted this game since September, but I've never gotten any time to afford it.

I can feel my smile growing bigger and bigger within seconds, already wanting to rip the foil of.

"But we're not going to play it now, I really want to do Fifa, Ashton nor Joy wanted to play with me." He pouts, making me grin automaticly.

"Fine," I say "But I call dibs on Barcelona!" The words quickly fall from my mouth, not wanting to choose a club like Real Madrid or Manchester.

I guess I just have a thing for Piqué.


"I totally beat you!" I laugh, clenching my arms around my stomach, it hurts from laughing this hard.

"That's because I let you win!"

"Oh yeah, you missed that penalty on purpose, three times."

He sticks out his tongue out at me, together with a right middle finger.

"Don't be such a dick, otherwise no food for you." I tease him, getting up.

"You're making food?" He questions, cocking his head to the side.

"What can be considered as food, I'm just going to make popcorn. Or, I mean, I assume you have popcorn to make." I rumble, the words quickly follow eachother.

"Probably, it's in the top cabinet, I bet you can't reach it without my help." He smirks, still focused on the television screen.

He missed a penalty, agian.

Sometimes I wonder who's the boy in this relationship.

I let out an annoyed sigh, making my way to his kitchen.

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