Chapter 7

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Charlie's P.O.V.

I wake up, in my own bed this time. The day before yesterday was a busy day, I can tell you.

Luke told me he wanted to check my arms every once in a while, and I just agreed, he's just trying to be a good friend, I guess.

I'm still thinking about my dream, though.

Or the fact that we were holding hands. How did that happen?

Before I break my head on all those questions, I throw off my sheets and stretch my legs.

How long did I sleep?

It's 9 in the morning, so I slept for a good 6 hours, which is a lot in my case.

Every night, I stay awake very late, thinking about my problems.

My anxiety, my eating disorder I had, the selfharming, and the fact that I'm falling for my best friend. Speaking of which, I'm meeting up with him today. We're just going for a walk in the city, to talk a little bit and stuff.

I open my curtains, and I'm glad it's a sunny day. I could really use some sunlight.

After I took a refreshing shower and brushed my teeth, it's time to pick an outfit together.

Why in heaven's name did I need to dye my hair blue? All I can seem to wear is black. Or atleast, untill I found a random rainbow tie-dye shirt. I bought it in my Hippie-time, so I hope it still fits.

It's a men's shirt, ofcourse it'll fit. Together with that, I chose some black shorts and my all time favorites: my black Vans.

Sure, I have other shoes, but these fit with everything, plus, they fit perfectly.

My outfit is done, so all I need to do is wait on Luke to arrive.

Joy is still asleep, so I guess I'll skip breakfast, I don't need it that much.

I do write a quick note for her, so she knows where I am.

Just when I'm done with that, I get a text message from Luke, he's outside, it says.

I have a feeling this is going to be fun.

When I walk outside, Luke is sitting on the sidewalk. He quickly stands up after he sees me.

I give him a tight hug, I know he likes hugging.

Ok, don't be the weird teenager that knows everything about her crush.

Oh, wait, I am.

"I like your shirt." Luke laughs, and I give him a soft punch in his arm.

"Hey, don't judge my shirt, mister Wannabe Punk." I laugh, and he joins me.

I swear, when he laughs, the whole world just stops for me. The sound of it is just so full of joy, and don't get me started about the dimples.

Sure, let's freak about his dimples.

I'm such a dork.

Before I even realise it, we've arrived into the town.

"Do you want to get some ice cream?" Luke asks, and it's more like a statement, we are going to get ice cream, no matter what.

"At half past ten in the morning?" I say. "Sure, why not?" I continue, and he drags me to the little store.

After we finish our sort of breakfast, we sit down on a bench. The sun is burning by now, Luke is already wearing his RayBan's.

I also take out my sunglasses, they're round and pink, also from my Hippie-time.

"Do you mind if I get us some soda or something? I'm kinda really thirsty." He says, and I just nod. He doesn't need to ask what kind I want, we always take the same.

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