Chapter 2: Sleep

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...Sometimes I see flames
And sometimes I see people I love dying and... it's always... 
And I can't... I can't ever wake up.

September 3rd, 1666
1:30 A.M.

Flames roared though the city, burning everything in its path and leaving no survivors. A lone figure stood on top of a cathedral watching her city burn. Standing there, the woman oddly felt no remorse for what she had done. A first it had been and accident when the bakery caught fire, but then she had felt the power rush. Now that was what caused it to get out of control.

"Scarlett!" Someone yelled from behind her. Scarlett turned to see a young man around her age coming towards her. His short dark hair was plastered to his head because of the heat.

Don't you breathe for me,

"Nathan!" Scarlett said. " I was getting worried about you."

"Why are we up here anyways?" Nathan asked. "I mean we won't be able to get down. We're trapped."

"You where the one that said that we should come up here." Scarlett said. "I guess it will stall our death. I mean, death is inedible but still...."

"I was so worried that you wouldn't make it up here." Nathan said. "I mean you lived right around the bakery that caught fire. My God Scarlett!" He flung his arms around her and sobbed into her shoulder. Unsure of what to do, Scarlett just patted his back.

Undeserving of your sympathy,

"It's ok." She said. "Thanks to that vision you had we're safe, at least for a while." She pushed Nathan away from she so she could get a good look at him. "It's ok." She repeated. "Everything's going to be fine. We are going to die, but at least we will die together."

"I want to tell you something." Nathan said suddenly looking uncertain.

"What?" Asked Scarlett.

"I- Iloveyou." Nathan muttered.

"You what?" Scarlett asked, a smile tugging in her lips. "I don't think I heard you clearly enough.

"You know what I said." Nathan whispered, blushing.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." Said Scarlett.

"I. Love. You." Nathan said bluntly. "Everything about you. The good, the bad, everything."

"You don't even know the things that I've done." Scarlett said slowly. She was happy that Nathan had confessed to her, but there was something in the way of her accepting it.

Cause there ain't no way that I'm sorry for what I did.

"I don't need to know everything you have done to love you." Nathan said evenly.

"He doesn't deserve you love." A voice said in Scarlett's mind suddenly. "No one does. Especially not him."

"What?" Scarlett said out loud in alarm.

"What what?" Nathan asked confused.

"Nothing." Said Scarlett shaking her head. "I thought that I heard something. It must be the smoke getting to my head."

"You know that it's not the smoke." The voice said quietly.

"You sure that you're ok?" Nathan asked looking concerned. "You're rather pale."

"I'm fine." Scarlett said. "I'm just getting restless from waiting to die. You know?"

"I guess." Nathan said shrugging. "I mean I suppose time slows down when your about to die."

He let go of Scarlett and walked slowly to the edge of the building and looked down. "The flames have caught on the bottom." He said. "Not long now."

"Push him over the edge!" The voice said sharply. "You don't need him."

"No." Scarlett thought. "I'm not pushing him over the edge."

"Do you love him?" The voice asked.

"He's a friend." Scarlett thought. "Nothing more. I don't kill my friends."

"If you won't kill him, I will." The voice said. Before Scarlett knew what was happening, she wasn't in control  anymore.

Nathan started when Scarlett put her hand on his shoulder.

"You know." She said quietly.  "I got something to say to you as well." She looked over Nathan's shoulder.

"What?" Nathan asked.

"I love you to."

With those words she pushed him over the edge of the building. Nathan fell screaming and flailing his arms.


And through it all, how could you cry for me?

"Good." The voice said letting go of its control on Scarlett's body. Dropping to her knees, she felt tears run down her face.

"Why?" She cried.

"You are mine now." The voice said. "I will give you power beyond your wildest dreams."

"What if I don't want it?" Scarlett asked softly.

"You have no choice in the matter." The voice said firmly. "Tell me, do you feel bad for killing that boy ?"

Scarlett paused then. She though that she would feel bad for doing it, she was crying, but it was more from shock then loss.

Cause I don't feel bad about it.

"See?" The voice said. "No remorse for killing that boy, no remorse for burning a city to the ground. You feel nothing about what you did."

" W-who are you?" Scarlett asked aloud.

"Names aren't important." The voice said. "You can just know that I'm a Demon that you summoned through using your power."

"Your a what!?" Scarlett shrieked stepping backwards. She would've fallen off the edge of e building and fallen to her death if a strong force hadn't steadied her.

"Don't go hurling yourself over the edge." The Demon said with amusement. "I have great plans for you."



So this chapter is relatively shorter than the first one, this is because it's more of a flashback or dream when Scarlett's unconscious.

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