Chapter 9: Caffeine Cold

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I'm not a monster
Just really fucked up
I'm tired
I'll see you in hell

Scarlett's P.O.V

When they made it back to the Manor they ended up appearing Charles's office with the others waiting for them.

"What happened?" Charles demanded.

As Scott started to explain what had happened, Scarlett started to get extremely nervous. She hoped that Scott wouldn't tell them what had happened to her. She nearly jumped out of her skin when Storm put a hand on her arm.

"Relax." Storm said. "I just want to ask if your ok. You're bleeding."

"I'm fine." Scarlett muttered. "It stopped bleeding a while ago."

"How did it happen?"

"Someone threw a snake at me." Scarlett deadpanned. "And it bit my throat."

"Haven't heard that one before." Storm remarked.

"I doubt that you will again." Scarlett said, turning back to what Scott was telling Charles.

"And that's basically what happened." Scott said.

"I see..." Charles said thoughtfully.

There was a quick knock on the door before Rouge came in.

"Professor?" She asked. "There's something that might be rather important on the TV."

"Thank you Rouge." Charles said. "If the rest of you could follow me into the living room we can see what consequences your actions have caused."

"Where's Logan?" Scarlett asked Storm.

"Probably watching TV." Storm said.

They all walked down the hallway to the living room and they could hear that the TV was on.

"Congratulations." Logan said, turning as they entered to room. "You have made it on National Television."

"Really?" Scarlett said with mild interest.

"Yep. See?" He gestured towards the TV where a news reporter was standing in front of the now caved in club.

"- five deaths and still counting." The reporter was saying. "Multiple injuries, and they have also found a corpse of a snake, which a Zoologist has confirmed as an Eastern Brown Snake. There has also been an European Asp discovered in the alley behind the club with its fangs missing."

I just want to fill you all with such dread

"What!?" Scott said a little to loudly and Logan and Storm gave him an incredulous look.

"I told you I was fine." Scarlett said rolling her eyes.

"What happened?" Storm asked.

"Yeah," said Logan. "What happened to make mister never-shows-emotion respond like that?"

Scott gave him a withering glare and turned to Charles. "Scarlett got bit by the Asp." He said.

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