Chapter 12: The Name Of The Game

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And you make me talk
And you make me feel
And you make me show
What I'm trying to conceal
If I trust in you,
Would you let me down?

Scott's P.O.V.

"So what do you want to eat?" Scott asked, turning to look at Scarlett as she entered the kitchen.

"I don't know." She said. "What do you guys have?"

"Not much." Scott said, opening the refrigerator. "I think that we have a frozen lasagna somewhere."

"Frozen... lasagna...?" Scarlett said slowly, slightly confused.

"See?" Scott rummaged through the freezer and came up with a medium sized  package. "It's the only thing we really have at the moment. Here."

He tossed it to Scarlett who caught it in surprise.

I've seen you twice, in a short time

"Just put in in the oven for a few minutes." Scott said, walking out of the room.

"Excuse me." Scarlett said. "But where do you think you're going?"

"I need to go and finish up some things."

"So you're going to just leave me here to make this thing?" Scarlett asked.

"It's not that hard." Scott said, rolling his eyes before leaving.

Making his way into the living room, Scott wondered why the Professor had wanted Scarlett to be "tested" in the ways of modern day things. It was kind of weird, but if Scarlett was to fit in, she'd need to know how to do certain things. Logan had annoyed Scott until he had agreed to place a bet on how much she knew(read: how bad she screwed up).

He was just about to sit down when he heard a loud explosion coming from the kitchen.

"What the heck happened!?" He yelled, running into the kitchen. He found Scarlett looking uncertainly at the smoking oven and charred package of lasagna.

"What did you do to it?" He quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher and sprayed it in the general area of the oven.

Only a week since we started

"You set it on fire!"

"I don't know how to use this modern technology." Scarlett said. "I figured torching it would cook it."

"You don't know how to use an oven?" Scott asked. "How do you eat without cooking anything?"

"I go out to eat." Scarlett said rolling her eyes. "Duh."

"And you never thought that you should at least learn how to use modern appliances?" Scott asked. He was now pissed off because he owed Logan 50 bucks.

"Do we have anything else to eat?" Scarlett asked.

"No." said Scott. "That was the last thing that we had to eat that was of substance. That's what happens when you live in a house full of teenagers."

"Can we go out to eat then?"

"No. We have to stay here to protect this place."

"Can't we order something and have it delivered?"


"Can we-"

"No!" Scott yelled. "We can't do any of that. It's not my fault that you decided to torch the only somewhat substantial food in this house."

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