Chapter 11: It's Hard To Say "I Do", When I Don't

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You're appealing to emotions that I simply do not have
Blackmailed myself
(Cause I ain't got) Cause I ain't got anyone else

Scarlett's P.O.V.

Scarlett was sitting on her bed the next morning going through the things that were in the wooden box in front of her. She slammed it shut quickly when she heard someone knock on her door.

"Come in." She said, turning towards the door.

"Hey Scarlett." Storm said, entering the room.

"Oh, hey Storm." Scarlett said. They had become somewhat like friends over the past week, if you count it as a friendship. Most of the time Storm talked to Scarlett about the people living in the Manor and the missions that she'd gone on with the other members of the team.

"How are you doing?" Storm asked, sitting down in the bed next to Scarlett.

"I'm doing fine." Scarlett said regarding Storm warily.

"That's good." Storm said. "What's in that box?" She asked.

"Stuff from my past." Scarlett said, picking the box up and putting it away. "What did you come in here for?"

"I just wanted to say that the rest of us are leaving now." Storm said. "And to tell you to try not and get into any fights with Scott when we're gone."

"Can't promise anything." Scarlett said.

I speak fast and I'm not gonna repeat myself,

"Can't you at least try?" Storm pleaded. "You guys are actually getting along compared to how it was when you first got here. I mean you're not fighting as much now. Are you becoming friends?"She looked at Scarlett hopefully.

"It's more of a mutual respect for each other." Scarlett said. "I don't think that we'll ever be friends."

"Bah," Storm said, waving her hand. "Scott maybe a hard to get along with-"

"A 'little' hard?" Scarlett interrupted. "That's an understatement."

"You two aren't arguing as much as you were before though." Storm said ignoring what Scarlett had said. "That's a good start."

"Why are you so persistent that Scott and I become friends?" Scarlett asked.

"I mean Scott's always had a hard time with things." Storm replied. "And ever since Jean died... well, he hasn't been himself."

"So?" Scarlett said. "Shouldn't you guys be leaving soon?" She said switching the subject.

"Oh yes!" Storm said getting up and walking towards the door. "Come and say goodbye to the others."

You'll only be gone for 24 hours." Scarlett muttered, but she still followed Storm out the door and down the hall towards the entrance of the manor.

When they got towards the entrance Scarlett saw the a rather large crowd of people were gathered there. Storm made her way towards the front to the crowd to where the Professor was, leaving Scarlett standing in the back.

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