Chapter 7: My Heart Is The Worst Kind Of Weapon

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Your remorse hasn't fallen on deaf ears,
Rather ones that just don't care

Scott's P.O.V.

Dancing with Scarlett wasn't the best thing in the world Scott decided. She kept stepping on his feet and it didn't help that she was three inches shorter than him.

"You look extremely uncomfortable." Scarlett said, looking at him.

"You would be too if you had someone was stepping on your feet every five seconds." Scott replied.

"Sorry." Scarlett said. "I'm not good at dancing. Was Jean? " she looked at him curiously.

"Yes." Scott said tightly.

I'm the kind of kid that can't let anything go

They fell into silence for a few seconds before Scarlett stomped on Scott's foot.

"What was that for!?" He asked wincing slightly.

"That was for saying I was a bad dancer." Scarlett said.

"But you just admitted that you are." Scott said.

"Modern dance. You know the weird ones." Scarlett said. "I'm very good at traditional dances."


"Waltz, Tango, Ballroom, Flamenco..." Scarlett rattled off.

"Impressive." Scott said.

"Not really." Scarlett replied.

but you wouldn't know a good thing if it came up and slit your throat

There were several loud screams and a stampede of people ran past them towards the stage, and Scarlett ended up getting shoved out of the way. She slammed into Scott's chest, causing him to take a step back and instinctively wrap his arms around her to hold her up.

"I think that I'm done with dancing for now." She said looking up at his from where she was.

"That's good." Scott said. "The person that we're supposed to meet is here anyway." He looked past her shoulder. Scarlett twisted her head around to look towards where Scott was looking.

"Shouldn't we go meet him then?" She asked.

"Of course." Scott said. That's why we're here."

"As much as I like the close proximity that we are in," Scarlett said with a small smile. "I think that you need to let me go so that we can go meet this person."

cause I know that you're in between arms somewhere

"Of course." Scott said, immediately removing his arms from around her. He was slightly embarrassed for some reason.

"Ahhh, it's nice to meet you." A large man with slight balding hair stood up when they approached him. "I am Senator Warren Thomas, and these are my associates, McCarthy and Goodman." The Senator gestured towards the two men sitting beside him.  McCarthy had sort black hair, brown eyes and was wearing a simple black shirt, while Goodman couldn't really be seen underneath the hood he was wearing. Interesting.

"Pleasure." Scott said shaking the Senators hand.

"Now what might your names be?" The Senator asked.

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