Chapter 6: Implicit Demand For Proof

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I mean no disrespect
I am simply very perplexed by your ways

Scott's P.O.V.

Scott looked down at Scarlett from where she was on the floor. "She definitely has problems." He said.

"Pick her up and bring her to her room." Storm said. "I have no clue as to what happened but she probably needs rest."

"Shouldn't we bring her to see the Professor?" Logan asked. "I mean something could be wrong with her head. Scott did blast her in the face only yesterday."

"Don't go blaming this on me." Scott scowled at him.

"Just sayin'." Logan shrugged. Man that cut still hasn't healed! I talked to the professor earlier about it and he said that I should talk to Scarlett." He rubbed his chest where the cut was.

"There seems to be a lot of secrets surrounding her." Remarked Storm. "Perhaps we can as her questions later, after she's awake."

"It's about time we do that." Scott said. "She's already caused too much trouble as it is."

He bent down to pick Scarlett up and then carried her towards the door. Logan snickered when he passed.

"What is it?" He snapped.

"Oh nothing." Said Logan still snickering. "It's just that I had a beautiful woman in my arms, I would be happy. You look like you found out that you have to take out the trash by yourself."

"If I didn't have my responsibilities to see to, I would kick you ass." Scott said.

"Still not over Jeans death?" Logan asked. "Hate to break it to you, but she's gone."

Scott turned around so quickly that Scarlett's head accidentally smacked against the door frame with a thwack!

"I swear to God," said Scott. "I will end you."

"Scott." Storm interrupted. "Bring Scarlett to her room and then go see the professor. Logan, stop antagonizing him."

"Fine." Logan said.

After Scott dropped Scarlett of in her room he headed towards Charles office. After a quick knock and a response he entered.

"Scott." Charles said greeting him. "I wish to talk to you about somethings. First, how are you doing?"

"Well enough." Scott said stiffly.

I know you're not a liar

"No trouble with anything?" Asked Charles. "You haven't been teaching or going on missions except that one."

"I'm fine, I just need a break from everything." Scott said.

Charles nodded slightly. "I have a job for you to do." He said. "As you know, Storm is supposed to be meeting the Senator tonight."

Scott nodded.

"I have decided that I want you to go in her place."

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