Chapter 10: London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines

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Just for the record,
The weather today is slightly sarcastic with a good chance of:
A. Indifference or
B. Disinterest in what the critics say

Scarlett's P.O.V

*one week later*

The past week had been rather stressful for Scarlett. The reason being that she was trying to figure out why the Demon had disappeared. It would've been a lot faster if she could use some of the incantations in some of the books she had, but she needed the Demons power to cast it. Of course if she had the Demons power then she wouldn't need to look into it. On top of that she felt like banging her head against a wall because she had to deal with teenagers, and if anything was more stressful and frustrating than that she didn't know what she was going to do. If she had the Demons powers she could've just frozen them into their seats and silence them when they got to loud, but since she didn't have the Demons powers she had to suffer.

The only good thing about her teaching was that Scott sat in most of the time "to make sure no windows break again" he had explained the first time. The kids settled down enough to make the class bearable to teach but it was still hard. Near the end of the week Scarlett was very close to jumping off the roof of the manor.

Stop stalling, make a name for yourself.

It was Friday and Scarlett had just finished teaching her last class of the day. After putting her stuff away she sat on the couch and let out a loud sigh. She looked up when she heard someone enter the room to see Scott coming in with two cups of coffee.

"Thanks." Scarlett said as Scott handed her one. "I need this. It's never too early for coffee."

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon." Scott said, frowning. "And I still don't get why you like your coffee black"

"Mmhm." Scarlett said sipping her coffee. "I like my coffee black cause it's exactly like my soul."

They sat in silence for a few minutes with Scarlett sipping her coffee.

"What are you looking at?" Scarlett asked, setting her coffee down and glaring at Scott who was looking at her.

"Nothing." Scott said, frowning slightly. "I was just thinking about how much you've changed personality wise since I've met you."

"People change all the time." Scarlett said. "It's not that impressive."

"I'm glad that you're not so much of a psycho bitch like you were the first few days." Scott replied.

"I don't think that you have to worry about me being a psycho bitch and more." Scarlett said frowning.

"Is it because of the ummm..." Scott said slightly uncertainty.

If you talk you better walk you better back your shit up

"Demon?" Scarlett said rolling her eyes. "Or would you prefer Devil or Fiend? Ooo how about Monster? I think that is something that your human mind can wrap around."

"I'm not that stupid." Scott said, bristling. "And what do you mean by 'human mind'? Are you saying that your not human?"

"I was." Scarlett said stretching her arms and yawning.

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