Chapter 13: Sympathy For The Devil

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Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

Scarlett's P.O.V.

Scarlett woke up to a bunch of loud noises coming from outside her door. Groaning she rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. A loud knock sounded on her door and she let out another groan.

"What is it?" She yelled.

"It's me." Storm said opening the door as poking her head in. "I just wanted to ask how things went last night."

"Fine." Scarlett said, getting up.

"Really?" Storm said with surprise.

"Yeah." Scarlett said. "What?" She said noticing Storms facial expression.

"It's just that," Storm paused. "Scott seems incredibly irritated when I talked to him this morning."

"It's not my fault that he has a stick up his ass." Scarlett retorted. "And what do you mean by 'this morning'?"

"It's 2:00 in the afternoon." Storm said.

"Crap." Scarlett said. "I slept that long?"

"Yep." Storm said. "I was sent to wake you up and tell you that someone's here to see you."

"Who?" Scarlett asked confused.

"Some guy." Storm said waving her hand. "He's really impatient so I suggest hurrying up. He's in the library with Scott right now."

"Fine." Scarlett muttered. I'll get ready."

A good ten minutes later, hey! A girl could take as much time as she wanted to get ready and most people wouldn't give her crap about it, Scarlett entered the library.

"About time!" Scott said. "What took you so long?"

"I was getting ready."

"For what?" Scott asked.

"Well I wasn't sure what to expect." Scarlett said stretching her arms above her head. "So I dressed for war. See?" She showed off her tight black pants, combat boots and tank top.

"You never cease to amaze me, Scarlett." Someone said from a chair. They had their back to her so she could only see the stranger's broad back and shoulders.

"Long time no see? Right?" The figure turned around and Scarlett's face turned into an expression of recognition.

"What the hell...?" Scarlett said stepping backwards. "You're dead... I pushed you off of the building..." Her voice trailed off as she stared at him.

He really hadn't changed at all, except the fact that he was older, and notably, his eye color was different. His brown hair was messy and his wire rimmed glasses glinted in the light. Once Scarlett met his eyes she found it hard to look away from them. One was a light brown while the other was a vibrant blue.

Scarlett tore her gaze away and scowled.

"Sorry for not introducing myself earlier." He said turning to Scott. "I am Nathan Darkbrooke."

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