Chapter 1: Monster

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"My secret side I keep
Hid under lock and key
I keep it caged but I can't control it
'Cause if I let him out
He'll tear me up and break me down"

Scarlett's P.O.V.

Scarlett crouched on top of a building and watched the people move down the streets. Her fingers twitched as she saw the life pulse within them.

The secret side of me I never let you see

"Look" The Demon hissed. "So many people with such useless lives. They deserve to die, don't they?"

"Perhaps," Scarlett said aloud. "but wouldn't I get caught for doing that?"

"After 337 years," The Demon raged. "You are still thinking with that stupid human heart you have! Human lives are useless. They serve no purpose. Humans have destroyed the world and each other."

I keep it caged but I can't control it

Scarlett grabbed her head as pain shot through it. "What about the mutants?" She gasped in pain, peering down to look at the Mutants in the streets. There were fewer of them, but their life forces where a lot stronger than the humans

"Tolerable," The Demon said with a sniff. "They are powerful. They would be worthy of ruling over. We just need to get rid of the insects that plague this world. See? Look there."

Scarlett's head twisted to the left and far below in an alley she saw several men beating up a woman. Clenching her hands, hate filled her. How could men do such a thing? Of course, she shouldn't be surprised at all. She'd lived for a long time and had seen much worse.

Destroy those men!" The Demon growled. "You will do this and then you will be stopping some of the evil that this world has. You can ignore me, but I will make you do this, even if it kills you."

So stay away from me the beast is ugly

"You don't want to kill me," Scarlett said with confidence. "You like me to much to get rid of me just yet."

"Kill them!" Said the Demon.

"Alright," Scarlett said. "but you owe me one if I get out if it."

"Anything," The Demon said. "I will give you anything within reason if you kill them."

Scarlett pinpointed the men's life force and concentrated on it. Feeling the power swirl around her, she willed herself to appear where they were. Appearing behind one of the men, she grabbed he back of his neck and threw him into the brick wall hard enough so that he crashed through it.

"Who's next?" She asked grinning at the rest of the men who where looking at her with fear.

I feel the rage and I just can't hold it

"This is none of your business Mutant freak!" One of the men yelled. "This doesn't concern you!"

"I think it actually does," Scarlett said narrowing her eyes. The three men looked at each other as if coming to a silent agreement, and then they all rushed at Scarlett. Her hand shot out and a blast of power caused the men to fly into the wall five feet off the ground. They struggled but couldn't move because of the power she held over them.

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