Chapter 4: Awake and Alive

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"I'm awake I'm alive
Now I know what I believe inside
Now it's my time
I'll do what I want 'cause this is my life"

"First order of business." Storm said to Scarlett. "You need a code name."

"And if I don't want one?" Scarlett said.

"You don't have to have one." Storm said. "It's just a precaution if you get in trouble with the Government."

I'm at war with the world and they

"Does that happen a lot?" Scarlett asked.

"It happens from time to time." Storm said. "So do you want a code name?"

"Maybe." Scarlett said shrugging her shoulders.

"You don't have to decide now." Said Storm. "Think about it for a bit."

They got out of the elevator and Scarlett found herself in a hallway that looked very SciFi-ish. It was completely made out of metal that looked like steel. They walked down hallways taking seemingly random turns until they got to a rather large door. Scarlett hoped that she could remember how to get out if she needed to. She doubted that she would, but it wasn't a bad idea just in case.

"Don't worry," The Demon said. "I've taken to consideration the fact the you forgot to remember how to get out of here."

Try to pull me into the dark

Scarlett scowled as she watched Storm put in a passcode for the door.

"Hasn't anyone told you that your face will stick like that if you keep making that face?" Scott asked walking past Scarlett and into the room.

"Hasn't anyone told you that you're a mewling half-assed flap-dragon with an eye problem?" Scarlett snapped back.

"Ok." Said Storm once they were all inside the room. Scarlett looked around rather impressed, it was huge. "Scarlett, this is our training room. Right now however we will just be figuring out what exactly your powers are."

I struggle to find my faith

"Do you want to tell you, or show you?" Scarlett asked.

"The room is indestructible." Said Storm. "So if you want to show us it's fine."

"I'll just tell you." Said Scarlett. "I can do Pyrokinesis, Energy Manipulation, Life-Force Manipulation, Possession, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Chaos Manipulation, Sin Embodiment, Soul Absorption, Electrical Resistance, do you want me to go on?"

She glanced at Storm and Scott who both went pale as she talked.

"No." Said Storm. "I think that we can just start with what you have said so far."

"Having all that power is impossible." Said Scott.

"No entirely." Said Storm. "She could have the power of mimicry, it's rare, but not uncommon."

"But she said that she does Pyrokinesis." Argued Scott.

I'm at war with the world cause I,

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