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The next morning, Simon made me breakfast.

He talked to me as I sat, sleepily, on the bar stool.

My head was rested in my hands as my elbows bent into the counter, watching as Simon pretended to impress me by flipping pancakes.

On his last one, the flip was perfect, but it didn't land back on the pan, instead it stuck to the tile.

"You idiot," I teased as he began to clean it up. The doorbell rang, helping me to wake up.

"Got it!" I heard Josh call out. Soon after, he shouted for me, "Sage!"

I raced over to Josh, who looked concerned.

"What?" I asked, walking closer to the door. Once I pushed the door open wider, I saw who the visitor was. "Go away."

"Sage, can we please talk?" Levi questioned.

Josh went to speak up, but I gave him a push away, signaling I had this. Once he stepped away, I tugged Levi outside, shutting the door behind me.

I pulled Simon's football [lol, i'm american but i'll just stick with it:P] jersey tighter around me as the frigid air blew across my body.

"Speak," I ordered, nodding towards him.

"I just wanted to say-" he stops, analyzing my choice of clothing. "Is that Simon's?" he asks, pointing to the jersey.

"Yes, it is."

"You two in a relationship now?"

"No, I just got out of one, Levi," I scoffed. "Not everyone can get over someone as quickly as you can."

"You know, I should've been the one to dump you." I was shocked by his words.

"Is that what you came here to say?" I shouted.

"No, it wasn't, but ya know, you and Simon are so close, how do I know how committed you were to me?"

"I would never- Why would you think something like that?"

"It's sometimes hard to catch people in the act, as you would probably understand," he replies, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What the hell does that mean?" I interrogated, crossing my arms tighter around my body.

"You didn't know any of the other times in our relationship!" he replied, holding out his arms as he sticks out his neck. I knew exactly what he was talking about, sadly.

I could feel my eyes begin to burn once again, and I couldn't bear to think of what he was implying.

"How many times did you cheat on me?" I asked, my voice cracking from holding back my sobs.

"Three-" he replied with hesitation, which angered me more.

"Three!?" I shrieked, glaring at him.

"You never gave me what I actually wanted! I'm a man, I have my wants!"

"And I'm a woman that respects herself!"

He shakes his head, looking across the road.

"I think it's best you leave," I announce.

"Yeah, I think so," he hisses, skipping to the road before turning it into a somber walk back to his house.

"Asshole," I mumbled before entering the house again.

"What's up, Sage?" Vik asks as he walks past me, on his way to the kitchen. He stops after I don't respond, looking back at me.

As soon as I looked up at him, his face melted into worry.

"I'll get Simon," he says in a rush, bolting into the kitchen as tears streamed down my cheeks for the hundredth time this week.

Before Simon and Vik could get to me, I ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I pressed my back against the wood, letting myself slide down it until my butt came in contact with the floor.

Draping my arms around my calves, I placed my forehead on my knees as I cried into them.

No one would ever love me. I was just meant to be broken, I guess.

Interrupting my sobs, a fist pounded on the door. I yelped, swallowing the rest of my sorrows as I scooted to the opposite wall of the door.

"Sage, open up!" Simon repeatedly hollered as he tried to bust the door down. His worry began to drown his voice, his attempts to reach me getting weaker.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I laid down on the ground, curling my knees into my chest.


I had fallen asleep on the bathroom floor, but I didn't wake up there.

My body quickly sat up, examining the room.

I noticed Simon, sat in his gaming chair at his desk, one arm propped up as he rests his chin on his finger tips.

Half of me wanted to stay silent, but the other half wanted to say something.

His bed squeaked as I laid back down, causing him to turn around.

"Sage?" he questions. I keep quiet, pretending I'm asleep. I hear his footsteps draw nearer, so I shut my eyes.

The bed dips next to me, an arm draping over my body, pulling me into him.

My face presses against his chest slightly, my ears straining to focus on his heartbeat.

"I'm sorry, I promised to never let anything hurt you," he mumbles, wrapping me up tighter. "And right now, you're more than just hurt."

I felt terrible for keeping my sleeping act up, but I didn't feel like facing him and his questions about what had upset me so much.

Eventually I would have to tell him, and hold him back, possibly, from hurting himself or Levi any further.

But right now, I wasn't mentally or physically ready to drop the bomb on him. And I knew, just by the feeling of his grip, it wouldn't be easy for him to deal with.

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