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Harry drove me back to the Sidemen house, as everybody left to make sure Simon was safe.

After he stormed out of my room, he took one of the two cars the boys drove to the hospital and, hopefully, went back home. Harry had driven separate, obviously, and told the boys to go find him to make sure everything was alright.

We didn't speak for the whole drive, up until we arrived on their street.

"If something happens, call me. I'm always here for you," Harry informs, pulling into their driveway. He kisses my cheek before unlocking the car doors for me to get out. "Oh, uh, do you need help walking?" he asks, unbuckling his seatbelt.

"No, I'm alright. Thank you though," I reply, opening the door. I step out of the vehicle, thank him for the ride, and walk towards the house.

More than halfway there, I have to place
my hands on my knees and catch my breath. I hear a car door open and shut, footsteps prancing towards me.

"I'm fine!" I shout. The footsteps cease, and I continue my walk. Harry returns to his car and drives off once I've opened the front door of the house. "I'm here!" I call out, but it doesn't reach far as I am so exhausted. I really don't understand, I usually am more fit than this.

It takes a bit for someone to come downstairs, the someone being Vik.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" he asks with deep concern as he rushes over to me.

"I'm... good..." I breathe out, pushing myself off of my knees once again. "I'm just.. tired."

"Yeah, the doctor said any exercise might be difficult for you for a week or two," Vik chuckles, taking my arm and wrapping it around his neck.

"So..." I take a deep breath, attempting to slow my frantic gasps for air, "was Simon here?"

"Yes, he's fine, Sage."

I nod, thanking him as he sets me on the couch.

"Want some iced water?" he asks.

"Sure," I reply. He bounces off to the kitchen, gathering my drink.

I look around the living room, catching my breath in the meantime. The curtains are pulled on one of the windows, causing me to grow curious as to why it was the only one covered.

Standing with caution, I ease my way to the window. Just after I place a hand around the edge of curtain, Vik comes back in.

"Oh!" he shouts, setting the cup down on the coffee table and running over to me. He takes my hand off of the fabric and leads me back to the couch. "Don't worry about that," he says, referring to the window.

"Something happen to it?" I question, tilting my head like a puppy would when hearing a perked voice speak.

"Uh," he glances at the doorway of the lounge, as if he's praying for someone to come in and save him from explaining why only one window was covered in the room. But nobody came to his rescue. "The glass is just missing from the frame-"

"What? How does something like that happen?" I ask with major confusion.

"JJ broke it whilst playing Fifa," he replies, handing me a glass of iced water.

"Did he lose again?" I chuckle, taking a sip.

"Yup, he got a little too angry and chucked the controller out the window."

I laugh, imagining the whole scene play out.

"Who'd he lose to?" I ask.

He pauses for a second, causing suspicion to rise in me.

"Vik, what really happened?"

"He lost to me, that's why he was so angry," he answers, ignoring my last question. He nervously chuckles, looking over his shoulder. "I should go check on Simon," he says, sprinting out. I furrow my eyebrows together and set down the glass Vik generously brought to me.

I look around the room again, but fail to notice any other clues as to what really happened. I let out a defeated sigh and grab the cup again, gulping a few more swigs down, then lay on my back.

My eyes shut and my lips part as I take deep breaths. I wanted this day to be over with already, but it was still daylight out.

"You what?" I heard someone shout. It sounded like it belonged to Josh, but I wasn't too sure as it didn't travel too well to my ears. It really could've been anyone, and about anything other than what I was thinking.

Someone races down the stairs, the footsteps leading to the room I was in.

"I think you should spend a couple nights at Harry's."

I sit up slowly, and turn to put a face to the voice.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because, I need you to."

"Do you hate me now too?"

"No!" he shouts with strain on his voice. He coughs, lowering his voice, "I could never hate you."

"Then why-"

"I already told you!" he exclaims.

"Fine," I reply, still confused as to what's going on. I walk past Simon and head upstairs to the guest room. I grab my duffle bag and pack up some clothes, my makeup bag, laptop, and chargers.

"Harry's here." I turn to see Simon once again, stood in the door frame. I don't say anything to him, just push him out of the way and walk out of the house with my bag clung to my side.

Harry opens the trunk of his car for me, taking my luggage from me and setting it inside as I take my seat in the passenger chair.

He slams the trunk shut, and jumps into the driver's side.

The whole ride, nothing is said once more. I don't know what to say, as the only topic on my mind is, Why am I leaving Simon? Why do I have to? What's happening? Does Simon not want me around anymore?

I hope I can get some answers soon, because not knowing anything is what will give me an agonizing death.

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