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"Do you really like Harry?" Vik asks, a little hopeful as he knew how I'd answer. It was late in the evening on that same day, Tobi, Ethan, and Harry had all left long ago and Vik had pulled me upstairs to where I was staying.

"I used to- but I'm just not quite sure now." He sighs in relief, sitting beside me at the foot of the guest bed. "What's with the happy sigh?"

"I just know that somebody else really likes you is all," he replies, "and I'm not sure where Harry's head is at."

"What d'you mean?"

"He's sort of desperate right now for a girlfriend," Vik responds, a little hesitant with his answer. I let it sink in, eventually turning angry.

"I'm calling Harry."


"Vik, I need to," I order, pacing the room as I dial his number. Vik heads for the door, but I speak up, "You can stay in here if you'd like." I really wanted him to stay with me just so I had a witness for what was about to unravel.

"Hello?" Harry asks as he answers the call, his voice groggy from sleeping.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Were you asleep?"

"Yeah but that's alright. What's up?"

"I just want to know if you really do like me or if you're just saying it."

He sighs, taking a moment to collect his thoughts and form an answer. This can't be good.

"The boys have placed a deal with me," Okay, I really don't like where this is going, "and it was about me getting a date and all that."


"They told me that if I didn't get a girlfriend by a certain date, which is tomorrow, I'd have to do a load of insane things on my channel. That's a public place- I'd be sharing all of these mad things on the Internet!"

I bite my lip, not actually wanting this to be true. "So, you're using me?"

"I just need to go on one date with you-"

"Why me? Why have you chosen me of all girls?" I question with irritation.

"Because I know you! And I knew it would be somewhat the best night of my life!"

"Harry, you know that I used to have feelings for you! You used to have feelings for me as well! How could you pull a selfish stunt like this on me?"

"Oh my god, I've totally forgotten," he gasps. I press my teeth into my bottom lip harshly, tears building up in my eyes.

"Why would you put me through this?" I weakly ask.

"I'm so sorry, Sage."

I gulp my emotions down, and try my best to hold in my tears as I demand he never speaks to me again. I, then, end the phone call and break down.

"Sage, I-"

"You knew about this?" I ask Vik with venom on my lips and tears on my cheeks.

"I didn't think he was asking you just because it was a bet," he replied softly.

"Did Simon know of this?" I question.

"He knew of the deal but he had no clue that you were going to be helping Harry out."

"You're all pricks," I spit. "Please get out."

"But Sage, I'm-"

"I don't care, Vik! I'd like to be left alone right now."

He looks at me with apologetic eyes before exiting the room, shutting the door behind him.

I cross my arms over my chest, heaving out silent sobs. I set myself on the ground, lying flat on my back, staring up at the ceiling as tears stream down my face.

To hide my sorrows, I place both hands over my face, my knees curling up to my chest.

How many times will I be used?


I woke up the next morning to a dreary day. It was foggy out and the clouds were spewing out rage tears, similar to what I was doing last night.

I left everything as is on my body, walking down to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Sage? Are you alright?" Josh asks as I pass him. He's sat at the island, eating a bowl of cereal.

"No," I reply, my voice scratchy. After I grab a granola bar, I turn to Josh. He's staring at me, concern wrapped up in his eyes. "Did you know about Harry's deal with the other boys?"

"'Harry's deal'?" he asks with confusion.

"So, you don't know of it?" Josh shakes his head. "Well, the boys made a deal with Harry that he had to go on a date before a certain time, which is later today, and if he didn't go on one, he'd have to do a bunch of horrible forfeits."

Josh raises his eyebrows, "How come I didn't hear of this?"

"Because I think they're plan all along was to get him with me." Josh goes silent for a moment.

"Waitwaitwait- so was his kiss real yesterday or not?"

"I thought it was." His eyebrows lift.


I inhale, biting my lip. "It wasn't. It was just for his bet."

"And he played with your feelings like that?" Josh asks angrily.

"Yeah," I sigh, unraveling the wrapper of my bar.

He gulps down the remains of his breakfast before excusing himself and running upstairs.

I continue to eat, then my eyes widen as I realize what he could be doing. I toss the rest of my bar in the bin and sprint after him.

"Josh, stop!" I shout as I enter Simon's room. But it was just Simon. No Josh. Simon spins in his chair, not at all phased by my sudden appearance.

"Why are you in here shouting for Josh? He's not here," he grunts, spinning back around.

"I thought he was, I'm sorry."

"Well he isn't. So can you please get out."

I look at Simon in shock, completely taken by surprise at his sudden disinterest in my existence.

"Fine," I reply, doing as told. I go to Josh's room, seeing his phone pressed to his ear.

"You're a bloody idiot is what you are!" Josh shouts into the phone.

"Josh?" I question as I knock on his half opened door.

"Hold on!" he calls out. "Just wait until Simon hears of this," he says into his phone before ending the call he was obviously having. He comes to his door, allowing me in.

"Who were you on the phone with?" I ask as I take a seat, which Josh had offered for me.

"Oh, nobody," he replies, brushing it off. "What was it you wanted to say?"

"Simon can't know of this," I tell him.

"Why not?"

"Josh, I just need you to promise me that he won't find out."

He rolls his eyes as I set out my pinky finger before him, beckoning him to promise along the way.

"Fine," he huffs, wrapping his pinky around mine. "He won't hear of it from me."

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