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"Josh, watch out!" I shrieked as JJ flung past me in a purple Lamborghini, spinning me out in the process. I was now in last place, and had to warn the others of Jide's rampage.

"Oh, fuck your mum!" Josh shouts, and I assume he didn't listen to me as JJ spins him out as well.

"I warned you," I giggle, passing Josh.

"Oh, for fuck's sake! I can't be arsed to come in last!" Josh screams, slamming around the buttons on his controller.

"Simon is having a go, look at him!" Ethan exclaims, even though he knows we can't actually see what he's doing.

In the bottom right hand corner I see that Jide has died due to a suicide, Ethan's bizarre laughter ringing throughout my ears.

"Karma's a bitch," I viciously laugh to him as I pass his resurrecting vehicle.

"JJ, do something, I see Sage on my tail!" Vik yells, swerving along the road to keep me from overtaking him.

"Vik, look out for the-" I attempted to warn him of an oncoming pole but he failed to see it as I was too late.

He hits it head-on, killing himself in a massive explosion. I get blown slightly forward, my laughter bellowing maniacally.

"She's coming for you, Behz!" Vik calls out as I inch towards Ethan's red vehicle.

"Oh shit-" he gets cut off by an explosion, caused by yours truly from the rocket launcher I had so luckily picked up. "Fuck off!" Ethan exclaims.

"I think she's on the hunt for you, Simon," Jide giggles.

I notice I'm catching up with Simon, his white car mere yards from my blue one.

All of sudden, Simon hits his brakes, not allowing himself to cross the finish line that was just ahead of him. I didn't realize it until I had entered 1st place and completed the race.

"Simon, you did not just hand that race to me on a golden platter!" I exclaim as I watch him finish after me, along with the rest of the gang. He hasn't spoken a word the whole video, my suspicions getting the best of me. "Simon, what's wrong?" I ask as Josh sets up another mini game for us.

"Nothing," he replies. I look over at Harry's monitor, staring directly as Simon.

"You can tell me, Si," I softly say. His face turns sour as if he'd just bitten into a lemon.

"Just don't talk to me, alright? Let's play the game."

My heart quits pounding, sadness overtaking my anger and worry.

I look away from him, pained to have been told not to talk to him so harshly. It goes quiet until they have to introduce the next mini game.

"Simon, you're announcing this, okay?" Josh says.

"Whatever," Simon responds before saying the title of the map Josh has chosen in his normal voice.

"Fuck," I sigh as I notice it's a team map. And of course I was lucky enough to be on Simon's and Josh's team while Ethan, JJ, and Vik were on the other.

Nobody says anything until the game actually starts, which consists of throwing grenades over a wall that has separated the two teams. The teams need to kill off the opposing members with the explosions, while dodging oncoming grenades, and you can't see where anyone is besides, obviously, your own teammates.

"Okay, so, shouldn't be that hard, right?" I question as I gather some grenades. But I die almost instantly, my face widening in shock.

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