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"You wearin' that?" Simon asks, pointing to my red dress that was somewhat skin-tight.

"Yes...? Is there an issue with that?" I ask.

"It's just- you might get cold in the theater..."

"Then you can do that cute scene from romantic movies where the guy gives the girl his coat," I wink. Simon goes silent, glancing down at his feet. "Okay, seriously, am I not allowed to wear this?" I ask.

"I would just like to go somewhere where the only boy looking at you is me," he sighs in defeat. My heart picks up its pace, my palms slightly sweating. "But it's almost impossible because even in sweats you look good."

I'm at a loss for words. Couldn't he be a little less obvious with his feelings for me?

"I'll just go change and then we can head off, alright?" I ask. He nods, pressing his lips together. I pat his cheek lightly with a smile and head back upstairs.

I took off my dress and slipped on some light-wash skinny jeans and a cream sweater, and adjust everything to my own liking before returning at the bottom of the steps.

"Eh, that's a little better," Simon teases. I punch his shoulder, then pull him out to his car. "Forgot I'd have to drive," he groans before opening the driver's door.

"I can drive if ya want," I offer.

"God bless," he chuckles, allowing me to sit down and fix the seat's adjustment.

"You gotta tell me where the hell I'm going though, I can't remember where the theater is for shit," I laugh, Simon laughing as well.

••skip movie••

"That was so good, Si," I grin, our hands intertwined as we walk out of the theater.

"It really was. I have great taste," he smirks, swinging our arms slightly.

"Is that Miniminter!?" I heard a young girl shout somewhere in the distance, then see her and another girl running up to us. I greet them with a smile, same with Simon, our hands sneakily falling back to our sides. We didn't want to be rude, but I knew we both didn't really want outside attention right now.

They told us about how big of fans they were for us both. They've supposedly been here since I started to show up in Simon's skits and vlogs.

"Can I get a picture with you both?" the girl asks, handing her phone to her friend.

"Of course," I reply politely. We pose nicely for the picture, doing the same with the other girl as well.

"So, are you two finally dating?" the girl- the only one who talks- asks.

"Oh, nono," I giggle.

"But you two were holding hands?" the other girl says, her voice small.

"Yeah, it's just something we do," I awkwardly respond. These girls were right about one thing- we acted more like a married couple than just best friends.

"Well, see ya gals later," Simon blurts, pushing me past them.

"Wasn't that a bit rude?" I question to him as we approach his car.

"Probably, but they're invading our privacy," he grumbles, taking the driver's seat. I roll my eyes as I sit in the passenger's spot.

It was a silent ride the rest of the way home, excluding the radio playing today's current hits and Simon's humming along to the tune playing.

I went in straight away, entering the guest bedroom first to put on some sweats and a black and blue Sidemen T-shirt.

Entering the kitchen, I met Simon once again. I step to the fridge, rummaging for something to snack on.

"Hey, Sage?" Simon quietly questions from right behind me. I sigh, shutting the door before turning to face him.

"Yes?" I chuckle, looking into his eyes. I saw a glimmer of something that I only saw when he caught a glimpse of Amber, his middle school crush.

He leans forward with force, yet presses his lips onto mine gently. I wrap my arms around his neck, his hands caressing my cheeks. My back soon falls into the fridge.

We pull apart, but Simon keeps our foreheads touching. "I was gonna do that once we got back to the car after our movie but I just couldn't find myself to do it," he whispers.

I was at a loss for words- I now looked at my best friend with a whole new meaning of love.

"You could've asked me on a proper date before stealing a kiss from me," I tease.

"Just wanted to make sure that what I was feeling was real."

"Was it?" I quiz, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," he whispers, stealing another kiss. I smile into this one, pulling him closer to me.

"Woah," JJ shouts, repeating the word and aggressively getting louder each time. "Shit!" he screams, shrieking it a few more times. I just giggle, watching him freak out, my arms still around Simon's neck. My eyes were looking past his chest, where he had turned to look at his squealing friend.

"Is that a good kind of shouting?" I chuckle after he's finished.

"Yes!" he cheerfully shouts, yet again, giving us both a hug. "I'm so proud of my man for growing a pair!" he yells, slapping Simon where it would hurt most.

Simon groans with a laugh, falling onto the ground in the process. "My balls!" he squeaks, laughing wildly. JJ giggles, helping him onto his feet.

"Don't hurt him anymore," I jokingly scold JJ, pushing him away from Simon, standing in front of him as well.

"I guess we know who's going to be wearing the trousers in this relationship," JJ snickers.

I felt Simon panic behind me, deciding to throw me over his shoulder and shout, "Obviously me!"

JJ leans forward, bending down as well. He yanks Simon's trousers down to his ankles, stepping back, "Guess not, bro."

Simon scrambles to set me down, pulling his jeans back up.

"Was there a reason as to why you came in here?" I ask JJ.

"Well, for one, I thought this was my home and I could go in any room I pleased," he replies.

"Um, you better not be going in my temporary room," I interject, crossing my arms over my chest with sass.

"Oh, I would never," he smirks.

"Yuck," I mutter, looking to the side.

"But, um, I came to tell you that the heat in the guest room has been going on and off since you guys left."

"What, why?" I question.

"I don't know!" he shouts in defense, holding up his arms. "I've called someone to come but the earliest would be in a week."

"A week!?" I shout with anger.

"Yeah, so, uh, I guess you'll have to cozy up on the couch unless it fixes itself," JJ awkwardly tells me, scratching the back of his neck before exiting the kitchen.

Simon turns his head to me and says, "You realize I'm not letting you sleep on the couch, right?"

"Well I can't sleep with any of you as JJ would probably post a picture of it and make everyone think I'm more than sleeping with that person," I reply.

"But the couch is so uncomfortable," Simon groans.

"You're not sleeping on it so no need to worry," I reply with a tight smile. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to set up my new 'bed' and watch movies till I've fallen asleep," I say, scooting past him. He huffs a sigh, following me out.

"I'm gonna get changed into something else and I'll be back," Simon says with a smile before booking it to his room. I roll my eyes, heading to the linen closet that held spare sheets and blankets.

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