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Simon came bolting down the stairs with some things in his arms.

"Your pillow," he says as he hands it to me, listing off everything else as well, "phone charger, phone-"

"Thanks, Si," I giggle, settling myself in.

"Are you sure you want to stay on the couch?" he questions with worry.

"I don't really want to stay here but it isn't an issue," I shrug, laying down.

"I'm gonna go edit my videos for tomorrow, come upstairs and find me if you need me," he smiles, kissing my forehead before disappearing. I sigh, a little upset he didn't stay with me. He can't just kiss me like that and leave me lonely. But it was for YouTube, for his fans, so that made me understand, drop the pity party, and push the thought out of my brain.

That night I slept horribly. The whole time between 'falling asleep' and 'waking up', I was still conscious. Just couldn't be bothered to open my eyes for the full immersion of being awake.

When I woke up, it wasn't even bright out. I could see where everything was in the room, including what was outside the window- a few trees, a silhouette, the garden- a silhouette?

I squint my eyes, as if it'd help me see who the person was. But they quickly sprint away. I began to panic, thinking of bad things that person would do to me after they've snuck into the house.

Once I gained realization that that wasn't going to happen, I grabbed my phone, texting Simon that I didn't like it down here anymore. But fifteen minutes I still hadn't received a response. I finally checked the time, noticing it was five in the morning and it was two hours past Simon's usual bedtime. He'd be fast asleep by now.

I slip my feet out of the blanket that was bunched up on top of me, allowing myself to stand slowly. Then I sprint for the staircase, trying to make as little noise as possible.

As soon as I reached Simon's door, I began to feel guilty. I can't wake him. He doesn't get much sleep let alone me always keeping him up when I'm scared.

I sigh, the feeling of crying welling up inside me. I reach for his door with my fist, but retract it quick before making any sort of contact. I couldn't do it.

A light flashes at me, making me squeal.

"Sage? What are you doing?" I heard one of the boys whisper. Josh.

I ran over to him, embracing him. He wrapped his arms around me with confusion, comforting me nonetheless.

"Are you okay?" he whispers, squeezing me.

"I-I saw someone lurking outside," I whisper back.

"What?" he shouts. I cover his mouth with my hand, placing a finger from my free hand over my lips.

"It was probably just my imagination. I'll just go back downstairs, let's pretend this didn't happen," I yell in a whisper, heading for the staircase. Josh grips onto my wrist, shouting "No!" in a hushed tone. "Why not?" I ask.

"It's not safe, you dumbass!" he replies, yanking me back to where I was previously stood. "Just go crawl into Simon's bed."

"I don't want to wake him," I reply.

"You won't, as long as you're quiet."

"Fine," I scoff, stepping back over to Simon's door. I quietly turn the knob, looking over to where Josh was stood. But he's already headed back to his own bed.

I shut the door gently, tiptoeing over to the side Simon didn't normally sleep on, and gracefully slipped under the covers.

"Huh?" I heard him mumble. I whip around in the bed, placing my hand over his mouth. Out of instinct, he lets out a scream.

"Shhh, Simon!" I say. I set my hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb against his flesh. "It's just me," I add.

"Who's 'me'?" he sleepily asks. I peck his lips, and see a flash of his teeth as the sun begins to rise. "Sage?"

"Yes, it's me, you dimwit," I giggle.

"Hi again, it's me," he mumbles with a low chuckle. I contain my laughter, it's as if he's drunk.

"You're an idiot," I giggle.

"But I'm your idiot," he smugly replies, pulling me towards his body and placing my head on his chest.

"I guess," I tease with a smile plastered on my face. I soon fall asleep with the scent of Simon stuck in my nose and the sound of his light snores in my ears, his chest pressed up against my face.


I woke up to loud, muffled coughing. Once my eyes eventually open, I sit up slowly and rub my face.

"Si?" I question as I look around the room. I quickly check what time it was on my phone, 3:00 in the afternoon- shit.

I follow the coughing, leading me to Simon's bathroom.

"Si?" I question again, knocking on the door. There's shuffling, the door opening slowly.

"What?" he asks in a low, groggy voice.

"You alright?" I ask with a somewhat joyful tone.

"I feel like shit," he replies, walking back over to the sink. He sets a hand on each side of the counter, leaning forward with his head bent.

I sneak past the door, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry," I mumble.

"It's not your fault," he sighs, a cough attack following. I've let go by now, watching him with worry.

"Maybe you should go lay down," I tell him, placing a hand on his back.

"That sounds like a good idea," he chuckles, following me to his bedroom.

"Here," I smile, allowing him to crawl into bed. I pull the sheets over him, tucking him in like he was a small child.

"Thanks, mum," he jokes, his voice raspy every time he speaks.

"I'll get you medicine and make you some soup, yeah?" I question as I stand up straight again. He nods as his eyes close with pain, his arms scooping the comforter closer to his face. "I'll be back," I whisper before kissing his forehead.

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