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"You alright, Sage?" JJ asked me as I entered the lounge. I nodded and sat next to him on the couch, receiving a poke to the side from him.

"You did not just touch me," I say with mock disgust, scooting a bit away from him. He chuckles, reaching for my side again; but I stop him, gripping tight onto his wrist and bend it slightly back as a punishment. He squeaks in agony, folding his body with the movement of his wrist.

"Sage," I looked to the entryway, my eyes lighting up. "Drop," Simon orders. I do as told, retracting my hand from JJ's wrist. I held eye contact with him the whole time- the longer it lasted, the more intense it got.

"Right, I'm just gonna leave you two be," JJ coughs, stepping past Simon. He smiles, informing me he'll be upstairs in his room editing a FIFA video.

"Don't work too hard!" I warn as he leaves me by myself. I sigh, searching for the television remote. Once I find it, I flick through the channels out of boredom, finding a rerun of an old cartoon I used to watch as a child. I smirk, setting the remote next to me and cuddling into the back cushion as I fix my eyes on the nostalgia.

The next moment was all a blur. I noticed I was happy, and frowned at how stupid I was for not seeing any of this coming.

A shatter rings throughout the house, my arms crossing over my head and my head ducking in between my knees.

Screaming came with an alarm, but didn't leave with it. I soon noticed it was me who was making the horrendous noise.

"Sage!" I heard Simon call out, booking it down the stairs.

I look to my left, glass sprinkled along the floor beside me. Tears pour from my eyes, making everything harder to see.

At first, I thought I saw an unusual colored blob sat in the midst of all the shimmering broken pieces of glass. But once my eyes dried, I knew it to be a brick. With a note attached to one end of it.

Then something else flew through the window. I turned my back and braced for impact, fearing for my life almost.

Something rough hits the back of my head at a fast speed, and everything starts to go black.


"She isn't waking up, Jide! We need to bring her to the hospital!" Josh shouts. Somebody was clutching onto my left hand as tight as they could, as if they were going to lose me. I felt like I was awake, but my eyes couldn't open. It was scary as hell.

"Simon? Should we bring her in?" JJ asks, probably knelt beside his best friend.

"No," I hear his voice whimper. His throat is scratchy, as if it's been rubbed against a cheese grater.

"But-" Josh tries to intervene, but Simon makes his point clear.

"If we take her in, that means something is actually wrong with her."

"Something is actually wrong with her, you twat!" Vik exclaims. The hand is no longer meshed with mine, and something, maybe a human? falls on the ground rough, the thud scaring me.

"Simon, get off!" JJ scolds, a body sliding into mine. "He's got a point," he adds.

There's a moment of silence, then someone pecks my forehead before lifting me in the air and carries me somewhere. I was petrified now. When would I be able to see? Why wasn't I able to pry open my eyes? Why can't I move anything? I wished I could get the answers to all of these questions soon because the unknown does horrible things to a human's brain.


"Simon, she's waking up!" one of the boys exclaimed as my eyes fluttered open.

The blonde boy rushes to my side, kneeling beside my bed.

"Thank fuck," he chuckles, smiling wide.

"What happened?" I ask, rubbing the back of my head.

Vik's face goes bright red, along with Ethan's.

"Uh, nothing," Simon quickly replies. I gesture towards the hospital bed I was currently laying on, frowning. He brushes it off.

"Tell me the truth, Si."

He winces at the nickname, both of us knowing he's bound to give in.

"You hit your head," Josh says, stepping in.

"Oh," I sigh, unsatisfied with the answer. "On what?"

They all take turns gulping nervously, exchanging quick glances at each other.

"We don't really know," Josh speaks up once again. "We just heard a thud and ran straight to where you last were, which was in our lounge."

JJ let's out a relieved sigh, making my stomach go all mushy.

"Is that the truth?" I ask Vik, who is too innocent and trustworthy to lie to me.

"Yes," he chokes out. Did Vik just lie to me, for the first time ever?

"Whatever," I mutter, looking up at the ceiling.

Simon leans over the bed, jumping into my line of sight. "I love you," he says, cheesily smiling.

"Meh," I reply, turning on my right side. Ethan giggles while JJ chants at me for being a savage.

Out of JJ's excitement, a nurse enters the room. "If you can't keep quiet, I will send all of you to the waiting room."

"I'm so sorry about my friend, we'll stay quiet," Simon replies from behind me, and I know he's shooting her a smile. Once she leaves, I thought it might be fun to tease him.

"You like my nurse?" I question. His cheeks go pink, his Adam's apple quivering slightly.

"Simon has a crush on the nurse!" JJ sings out, prancing around the room.

My door opens once again, and I know what to expect.

"I'm sorry, nur-" I stop short, my smile dropping. "What are you doing here?" I spit.

"I came to make sure you're alright," he replies as if I'm stupid.

"I was alright. Great, in fact." Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Simon move to the end of my bed, his eyes fixed angrily on the man in my doorway. "Then your ass walked through the door."

"That is no way to talk to your father," he growls, stepping towards me.

Simon jumps out, but I tell him off, saying it's alright. He growls at my dad, then sits in a chair that's by my head.

"Why did I even come here," my father grumbles, stepping out of the room.

I close my eyes, trying to calm my breathing and heart rate.

"He's gone, it's alright," Simon whispers, brushing my hair back.

"I just wanna leave this place," I sigh, opening my eyes and facing the ceiling.

"I came as fast as I could!" someone proclaims, racing into the room with pounding footsteps.

I glance to my right, smiling wide as I push myself to sit.

"Harry," I giggle, opening my arms for him to fall into.

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