Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


After English, I walked out of class with Alex, examining our schedules as we did so. "I'm going to Maths class with you," he said. "Yeah, you are," I confirmed with a nod before slipping my phone into my pocket again while Alex kept his notebook.

We hurriedly walked to class just in case we bump into Jacob and his gang, but apparently they just finished their class because when we arrived outside, they were also standing there. Alex trembled slightly and I murmured, "I'll protect you." Jacob looked at the two of us and smirked before he motioned for his friends to leave, bumping into Alex forcefully as they left. I rapidly gripped his hand as he stumbled backwards, gently holding him in place.

When all of them left, I pulled him into the classroom and to the seats at the back corner before plopping down on them. He sat beside me as well and I didn't notice that our hands were still connected until I looked down. I flushed from embarrassment and moved my hand away.

"Sorry..." I mumbled, a light shade of scarlet painted on my cheeks.

Alex shook his head with a smile. "It's fine," he replied. Was that disappointment present in his eyes? No, it can't be. He doesn't like me, not in that way. But... do I?

"Um... Thanks. For earlier," he said and I chuckled.

"Any time."

Soon a familiar person walked into the class. "Oy, Rian!" I shouted, waving at him and his head spun at my direction before grinning and returning the wave back. He walked towards us and sat at the table in front of us.

"Sup guys," he said to us. Alex smiled shyly back and mumbled a greeting. A smile was tugging at my lips as I watched him. He was so fucking cute. Oh my god. Maybe I really do have a crush on him... am I really gay?

Rian probably saw that because he said, "Ooooh, Jacky has a little crush doesn't he? Hmmmm?" I blushed and shot him a glare before taking a glance at Alex, who was also slightly red in the cheek.

"I hope that remark doesn't ruin a chance of me coming over to play video games, Alex," Rian said with a grin.

Alex chuckled, shaking his head. "It doesn't."

Rian threw his fist up into the air, "Yes!" he exclaimed, though it caused Alex to tense slightly when he did that. I frowned and reached out to pat his shoulder comfortingly and he seemed to relax a bit.

Suddenly, the teacher (Mr Joe) entered the classroom, a bundle of worksheets and books in one hand and a laptop in the other. Surprisingly, he managed to make his way here with all that shit in his hands. Huh. Should've dropped a worksheet or two, or maybe the laptop. Don't have to go through boring numerals and unnecessary alphabets. I let out a sigh before propping up my arm on the table, resting my head on the hand.

Mr Joe placed his items down gently onto the teacher's desk and Rian spun around, facing the front. Alex stifled a yawn and took out his pen and notebook, twirling the pen around his fingers. Mr Joe started to drone on about angles and algebra in a monotone voice. Jesus fucking Christ, I was dying of boredom here. I started to sing quietly, "Always, I know. You'll be at my show. Watching, waiting, commiserating." I heard another voice join in, "Say it ain't so, I will not go. Turn the lights off, carry me home." It was Alex. My eyes lit up and I grinned happily and he returned the grin back. I love his voice so fucking much, it was like that of an angel's.

"You know, you should sing more," I mumbled and he shrugged.

Rian pretended to shake his head disapprovingly and let out a long sigh. "Kids these days with their romance," he muttered under his breath, loud enough for Alex and I to hear. Alex flushed and looked away, pretending to be concentrating on the lesson while I bit down on my lip as I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I'm so going to fucking kick Rian's bloody ass later.


Somehow, we managed to survive the boring class (I wasn't paying attention, but there was homework) and we were dismissed. I grumbled, "Why do we even have to learn all this shit?"

Alex laughed and gave a shrug before taking out his notebook. "Free period for me, since I didn't bring my attire," he said and I took out my phone to look through my schedule. I had gym, too. I let out a groan. I didn't feel like doing sports today... Meh, skipping a class wouldn't hurt.

"Rian, are you skipping gym too?" I asked him. He shook his head.

The three of us went to gym together slowly, not really bothering to hurry up since we're skipping (apart from Rian). Once we arrived, Alex and I sat at the far corner where hopefully no one else would see us while Rian went to change. I let out a yawn and leaned against the wall behind me while Alex smiled and sat up straight, tapping his fingers lightly on his lap. I felt my eyelids grew heavy and they drooped down, but suddenly I heard Alex mumble, "Jack?"

My eyelids snapped open and I sat up. "Yeah?"

Before I knew what was going on, he pressed his lips against mine lightly. My eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected kiss but I kissed back anyway before pulling back shortly. My heart was pumping rapidly in my chest. Oh my god. He just kissed me. I took in a deep breath and bit down on my lip. It was actually thoroughly enjoyable and oh my god, I wanted more of it again. Alex looked away and twiddled his thumbs, muttering an apology. Oh shit, he thinks I don't like it. "I... Um... It's fine," I reassured him, but he didn't seem to believe me. He stood up and muttered, "I'm going to the restroom," before running off and sensing that something was wrong, I followed him.


I managed to catch up to him and I grabbed his arm, pulling him so that he's facing me and causing him to stop in his tracks. "Hey, what's wrong?" I said and he pulled his arm away from my grasp.

"Nothing's wrong. Just leave me alone, Jack," Alex said bitterly, not wanting to look at me in the eye.

I shook my head. "I won't leave you alone. Is it because of the kiss?" I murmured and he replied hesitatingly with a nod.

I smiled and took both of his hands with mine, our fingers interlocked as I gently pressed my lips against his. He kissed back and we got very engaged into the kiss, ignoring everything around us. Funny how we're kissing in the school corridors, but I don't really fucking care. Soon, we broke out from the kiss to get some fresh air. I studied Alex's face, noticing an expression of surprise and happiness imprinted on it and I smiled.

I let go of one hand and walked back to gym class together, sitting at the same spot earlier. The other students were busy playing handball or something (Rian included). I took out my phone and went to my 'Music' application, my finger tapping on the shuffle button and it started to play Sugar We're Goin' Down.

"You like Fall Out Boy too?" Alex asked and I nodded with a grin. I tapped my fingers to the rhythm of the song while he was humming the tune. I smiled at him. He was so cute. And to think we just kissed...

A couple of songs later, the class ended and Rian came jogging towards us. "Did I miss any of your makeout sessions, huh?" he asked jokingly and we blushed.

"Actually... you did," I murmured, tracing circles on my lap with my finger awkwardly.

Rian wasn't even shocked. He just shrugged. "Not surprised, considering you guys looked like you had a thing for each other. Don't worry, I won't tell," he said and winked.

I laughed. "We should go for break now, huh?" I said and turned off my music before pressing the small button located on top of the phone. There was a click and the screen went black. I slid my phone into my pocket and stood up, Alex and Rian following along as the three of us headed towards the cafeteria.


A/N: Slightly more Jalex! Woop woop. They finally kissed. Thing is though, they're still not sure about their feelings for each other eeeeeeven though they kissed. But their relationship will develop ahaha

The reason why Alex 'left for the restroom' was because he thought that Jack would hate him for doing that, but Alex had that sudden overwhelming urge to kiss him earlier and he couldn't help himself. Something like that.

I don't think I'll be able to write smut in the future though. Send help.

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