Ivie's problem

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Hello,  guys thank you  so much for reading and voting 😍😍😍😘😘😘☺️☺️☺️😊😊😊this chapter will be mostly about Ivie and Tiffany and also a little romance hope you enjoy this chapter plus I've already updated today but hey you guys are enjoying the book I assume so I'm updating again XD bye :)

 Ivie woke up thinking about Tiffany and everything she had said to her and how she meanly throw her new book in the dirt . Ivie thought Tiffany was just a spoiled girl who teased people it wasn't just Ivie and Jordan. If you meet Tiffany's Mum she is the complete operate to Tiffany she was kindhearted ,honest and forgiving . When Ivie was walking with Jordan that morning guess who she bummed heads with...Tiffany

" Hey watch were your going " Tiffany hissed at the girl next to her which was Ivie " sorry " Ivie looked stunned at what had just happened and she felt dizzy ." I said sorry now you say sorry "Ivie held her head cause it hurt " your not sorry " Replied an angry Tiffany " I am too" Ivie felt hurt it wasn't very often that she had to say sorry to people just then Tiffanies entourage of girls helped her up and a girl named Haley said " Are you okay,Tiffany ?"Haley Asked her friend " no, I am not okay " Tiffany replied looking at her nails " I chipped my nail " Tiffany looked close to tears and saw Jordan watching the scene play on " What are you looking at ,Book, boy?" Spate Tiffany " My name isn't book,boy "Jordan told her " Whatever " She rolled her eyes and she walked off with her entourage of girls behind her . " How do her parents handle her ?" Asked Jordan " JORDAN!" Ivie fought back laughter " What I'm just speaking the truth ?" He told Ivie making her laugh and clench her stomach " Hey,Ivie" Jordan didn't talk until she had stopped laughing " yeah? " Ivie asked " you've got a um bump on your forehead " Jordan replied helping her up " I do ?" She asked dumly " yes you do" he told her tracing his gentle fingers over the small bump " let's get you home and ice it " Jordan told her " but we were on the way to the great hall " Ivie sounded diapointed " tell you what ,you go home and ice it we can go to the great hall later " His firm but gentle eyes looked into hers " okay " She mumbled as Jordan walked Ivie  home . He had realised something he sort of liked her like more than friends but he wasn't sure if she felt the same way about him. So Jordan didn't say anything .

Later at the Haddocks house 

Ivie walked into the to find her Mother and her brother . Ivie didn't say anything and just sat down on a chair .

" what did you do?" Asked Jacobe " huh?" Asked Ivie " There's a swollen bump on your forehead " Jacobe told her making Astrids head lift up to see what Jacobe was talking about " Ivie,how did you do that,sweetheart ?" Astrid exsamed the bump " I bumped heads with someone " Ivie replied " who ?" Asked Astrid " Tiffany " Ivie heaseatly replied " Tiffany ?" Jacobe "Did she rattle your cage?, that girl is  about as friendly as a snake " Jacobe replied " Tell me about it " Ivie said as her mother gave Ivie an ice block to put on her forehead .


Later Ivie found Jordan in the forest doing artery

"  Hey,Jordo " Ivie waved " Hey,friend " he waved back at his smiling friend " I brought my bow and arrow " Ivie told Jordan " cool,so now we can see who's the best Viking " Jordan challenged " Oh,your on Jordan " Ivie placed the arrow in her bow and pulled the string back with her right arm and let go ,the arrow hitting the target "okay ,not bad " Jordan told his winning friend " Ivie one and Jordan 0 " She smiled at her victory " I'm not letting you win " Jordan told Ivie he pulled back the string on the bow and his arrow  hit the target " Ha,beat that " he challenged her getting more competitive " I will " She smiled putting I a consentating face . She  pulled back the string on the bow and let the arrow fly loose and the arrow eat straight thought the other arrow. " I win " Ivie cheered " yeah,cause I let you win " Jordan told her " no,you didn't " Ivie told him " your to competitive to let me win " Ivie replied and the two laughed till sundown . Ivie was starting to like Jordan , a lot but she didn't want to tell him I cause he didn't feel the same way .

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