A dragon?

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"What is it, Jordan?," Ivie asked in a shaky voice.

"Um it's a...dragon." he replied.


"GABE! COME ON!...PLEASE?" Nora yelled around the Haddock's house at the toddler who had just thrown his food on the floor. Gabe just clapped his hands because he thought it was funny. I mean he was getting a reaction so it was sort of funny!...right? Nora was looking after Gabe because  Astrid was busy down at the  academy, Hiccup was cheifing and Jacobe...she didn't know what he was doing and she also didn't know what Jordon and Ivie were doing either! 

"Fine, but I'll be telling your mummy!" Nora told Gabe who started crying.

"Ok,ok,ok,Gabe...sssh. I won't tell your mummy!" Nora replied and the toddlers smile appeared.

"Y-y-yay" the toddler tried to say, I mean he is only two.

"Yeah yeah." Nora commented to the toddler's words.

"Boy...this is going to be a long two hours!" She put her hands on her hips and watched Gabe throw his bowel of mash patoto on the ground.

"Oh, Gabe!" Nora  laughed and ruffled his golden locks.


"It's a dragon?" Ivie said repated.

"Yeah it is...its a monstere's nightmare!"

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