The dance

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Hey guys hope you like this chapter by the way this song in the chapter I wrote hope you like it. Thanks for reading and voting :)

It was berks 15 year in peace with enemies and dragons so Hiccup thought why not throw a big celebration at the great hall. Ivie still couldn't believe what Jordan had told her . So what did Ivie do ? She went and told her  friend Nora 

" He ,what?" Nora yelled in excitement " he said he likes me " Ivie blushed " I Knew it " Nora told her friend " I've seen the way you look at him " Nora nudged Ivie " I just don't know how I feel about it " Ivie told Nora " wait till,Tiffany finds out "she said to Nora " she'll be calling us both love losers or lover geeks " Ivie made a funny face at the thought " you'll be fine ,Ivie " Nora told her friend " and besides if you need me for anything you know we're to find me " she told a nervous Ivie " Thanks,Nora" Ivie hugged Nora " no problem, and besides what are friend for? " She asked Ivie " there for being there for each other" Ivie told Nora " correct ,Ivie's " Nora got up from were she was sitting " now let's give you a makeover " Nora pulled Ivie up into a chair " what what's wrong with my apperince ?" Ivie asked " nothing's wrong ,silly " Nora taped her on the head " we're just gonna make you look extra beautiful " Nora undid Ivie's braid " let's start with the hair " Nora started brushing out Ivie's long mane  " let's leave your hair out ,it looks pretty let out " she told Ivie and Ivie nodded as she looked into the big mirror on the table were she was seated . Ivie thought she looked different already " okay, now that is out of the way let's move onto wardrobe " Nora went to her wardrobe and pulled out a red dress that was ankle length " wow" Ivie thought that she had never seen such a beautiful dress before " would you like to try it on ?" Nora asked her " I would love too" she took the stunning   dress and ran to the bathroom and tried it on . When Ivie came out Nora was bewildered that the dress acurlly Sutted Ivie " you look,gorgeous " Nora told her friend " Thanks " Ivie's cheeks turned a rose pink shade " what about shoes?" Ivie asked " try these " Nora gave her  light brown sandles that matched her light brown hair " Thanks,Nora Ivie hugged her " no problem,girlfriend " Nora hugged Ivie back " now I'll just get changed into my dress . Nora pulled out an pinky orange apricot coulered dress " okay " Ivie waited for Nora to get changed and then they both were going to head over  to the great hall " Nora, you look stunning " Ivie told the strawberry blonde haired girl. The dress looked amazing on Nora the gem stones matched her gem like blue eyes ,exsept the dress was knee Lenghth not like Ivie's that was ankle Lenghth  " Thank you,Ivie,so do you " Nora replied and the two girls walked down the stairs ready to go to the great hall . Nora's mother Carra eyes fell upon the two girls in their dresses " you two look beautiful " Carra told her daughter and Ivie " Thank you,Mrs Kennedy " Ivie replied " Nora , is that your old dress that Ivie is wearing ?...because it really suites her" Carra asked Nora " yeah it is I gave it to Ivie because it didn't fit me anymore " Nora replied " okay" Carra replied back " are you two off to the party now ?" Asked Mrs Kennedy " yes" Nora replied " I'm coming later ,your fathers already there" Carra told Nora " okay,Mum,bye,"replied  Nora "have fun, girls" Carra told them " thanks,mum" Nora and Ivie walked out the door to the great hall

At the great hall

All the boys were at a table together 

" hey,Jordan did you get a date ?" Asked Jake " yeah " he replied " who ?" Asked Hamish " Ivie " Jordan told the group of boys " Really " olly said in shock " Ivie's so cool " Jake took a sip of his drink " hey ,Jordan,bro you might want to turn around " Olly told his friend . Jordan span around to see Ivie standing in her beautiful long red dress " hi,Jordan " she moved a loose strand of hair   behind her ear " wow you look...stunning,beautiful,lovely " he didn't have the words . Jordan also heard other people around the other tables say " is that Ivie " he heard them say  he also saw the boys at his table whisling and for him to ask her to dance " um,Ivie do you like dancing ?" Asked Jordan " I love dancing !" She told him " would you like to um..." Jordan struggled to get out . He didn't think it would be this hard to talk to a girl . Maybe it was just that he was cerounded by other people " would I like to what ?" Ivie asked him her friendly smile gave him conference . " would you like to dance with me " he blushed " sure " Ivie took his gentle hand and Jordan lead Ivie to the dance floor were other Vikings  were dancing like her Arnt Heather and uncle Fishlegs were dancing as were her mother and father . Then another song came on as the other one finished 

" you put your hands with mine",my love" ,

"with out you I could not feel my love

Holding you close I see a lot "

"You have made me see 

That I'm who I'm meant to be"

" Because ,I'm standing beautiful ", 

"Oh,yeah  ,"  I'm standing beautiful 

" this song is beautiful " Ivie said to Jordan " beautiful just like you" he smiled at her and twirled her 

"It's a long road ahead "

" but with you it don't seem that tough " 

" you have made me see that I'm who I'm meant to be "

" Because we're standing beautiful " 

" we're together ", and were beautiful

"We're standing,standing beautiful " then the song finished and everyone clapped and cheered 

" Ivie " she herd her father call " could you please excess me for a minute " Ivie asked Jordan " sure" he replied so he thought it was a good time to get a drink and talk to the boys some more " wow,she's a good dancer " Hamish told Jordan " yeah,jorn she's a keeper " Jake told his friend " hey,guys were,Jacobe?" Asked Jordan " um,he's over there with the other boys" olly pointed to were Jacobe was " why you ask ?" Oscar  spoke up " I just havnt seen him tonight that's all " Jordan replied back " ok" Oscar replied " we'red Ivie go?" Hamish noticed she was missing " to talk to her father I think " he replied " okay , I'm hungry " Oscar told the boys and went and got some food 

" Ivie,sweetheart,you look beautiful " Hicvup hugged her " Thanks,Dad I havnt seen you all day you must have  been  busy " Ivie gave a heartfelt hug back " yep,busy it is " he gave a chuckle " are you enjoying the party?" Hiccup asked his daughter " sure ,am " Ivie replied " well you better get back to your friends " Hiccup told her " you don't want to be hanging around me" Hiccup chuckled " Dad,your not that old "Ivie gasped making him laugh " Ivie " Nora called out to her "coming " Ivie replied " have a good time, punkien " Hiccup kissed her head " thanks ,Dad" Ivie rushed over to were the girls were sitting .

Ivie hustled over to were the girls were seated . Finally she would get to hang out around her own kind .

" hey,dancing queen  " Deia smirked " you guys, I'm not that good at dancing" Ivie felt embarrassed " yes you are,Ivie's stop douting yourself " Tirana told her " thanks you,guys " Ivie replied " your welcome " Nora said " Tiffanys being a flirt" the girls looked over to were Tiffany was with Olly " wow, when did she get so got at flirting?" Asked Deia " have you even meet ,Tiffany ?" Nora responded " true " Deia replied " well it's been fun girls but I think I'm gonna head home " Ivie told them " okay ,see ya ,Ivie" all three girls waved 

Ivie walked over to were Jordan and the other boys were seated 

" I've already told my parents , I'm  gonna go home now , I'm getting a little tired " she told him " okay , I'll walk you home " he placed a hand on her back to lead her out the door " are you sure ?" Ivie stopped walking " yeah, I'll back after I drop you off"Jordan told his friend " um,okay " Ivie continued walking.

" thanks for dropping me off " Ivie thanked him " no problem " he replied " I just wanna say I had a really good time tonight,Ivie " he said holding her hand " I had a good time ,too"Ivie gave him a toothy smile " I'm glad to hear that " he grabbed her hand gently and kissed it making her blush " stop it,you " her laugh echoed though the silent streets of   village " goodnight ,Ivie's " Jordan leaned and gave her a small peck on the lips which was like magic to Ivie " Goodnight ,Jordan " Ivie walked into the door of the house and stood at the entrance for a moment, before running up the stairs to her bedroom. " omg,Jordan kissed me " she was pacing up and down her room " omg" she whispered then got into her pjs then climbing into bed and falling asleep.

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