Chapter 5 ~ Me and Tayler

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I wake up at 6:30 and wake Hunter up. We go to Starbucks for breakfast and we don't really talk because we are to concentrated on our phones. I get a text from Emily my sister saying she is bored and she is coming home for the rest of the week. "Emily only lasted a day at my grandparents house and now shes coming home." I explain to Hunter, i see a slight smile creep onto his face. We head to school and the it was strange, no pranks or damage to my locker, all of my assignments were there and everything was where it should be. Maybe they gave up on trying to crush me. I have a simple nice day at school, everything goes well and i didn't even see Joey!! Maybe life is going to get better for me!
The end if school bell rings and i walk home, Hunter had to go to a meeting. I enter my house and walk into my room. Emily charges in with excitement. " HEY HUNT......Liv." Well clearly she was hoping Hunter would be here. "Hey!" I just simply reply. She leaves and then i get a text from Hunter.
H: Hey Liv! Wont be home tonight staying at Cams house!
L: K cool!
H: Bye
L: Bye 👋🏼😂
I see a guy in joeys room and he looks about 18. He started coming for my window, "hey is Joey in there?" He asked. "Sorry that bastard wouldn't be caught dead in this house!" He laughs. " well by the way he looked at you yesterday i think he would love to be in this room with you!" I was shocked, he saw what happened. "Sorry but who are you?" I added "Oh im Tayler, i live with Joey!" "Im Liv, the victom of Joeys bulling, so whats it like living with a fuckboy? Because last night i caught him with Mia about to..." He just laughed again. "Well i think he actually likes you and just imaged a picture of you on her body." "WOW , thats not at all creepy!" He laughed again. Is this guy high or something. "There Joey now going into his room."  He laughed. Seriously what is up with this guy. "Lets kiss!" I was confused. " what?" He didn't have time to answer he just dove straight in. Wow! This is amazing. I saw joey stare so i kissed Tayler back. I could see he was getting angry so i went in harder. I slid me hands up his top and he started feeling my butt. we finally broke. "You're a good kisser!" I was shocked when he said that. " to be honest that was my first kiss!" His jaw dropped. " did you want to stay the night Tayler? My parents aren't home so..." He smirked at me i knew the answer. I told emily to go and sleep at her friends and she did, so it was just me and Tayler.

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