Chapter 31 ~ Your Fault

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When we got on the bus, I sat down hoping Cam would sit next to me but he sat at the front so then I was hoping Liv would sit with me but then she sat next to Cam. I turned my head down to my phone and I felt someone sit next to me. It was Joey. I turn my head back down to my phone but he just kept staring at me. "Is there a problem?" I ask. "Why did you come and dance with me on stage?" I look up at him "I was protecting my sister "from what?" I look at him stupidly, "from you" he looked confused "from me? What did I do?" is this boy stupid or what. "You hurt her" my voice starts to get louder "She hurt me" his voice gets louder too. "You put her in a hospital "I become louder than before "She broke my heart, emotional hurt lasts longer than physical" so does his voice "You almost made her kill herself" at this point we are basically screaming at each other "She moved half way across the world" I have had enough "No that wasn't her fault, it was our mothers decision to move and it was all because of you. We moved to get away from you!" I realised the whole bus had gone silent. Everyone was staring at us. I just look back at my phone. We arrive at the hotel and I get off the bus as quick as I could.


When we got on the bus I decided to sit next to Cam. "So Liv" Cam looked at me suspiciously "Was that your first kiss?" I laughed at him "Maybe" his jaw dropped. "Um, you had your first kiss in front of thousands of people, on stage in front of your ex" I smiled at him "Maybe" we both laughed. He hugged me and I rested my head on his shoulder. "....get away from you!" we both turned around, we had heard Mia basically screaming. I knew she was talking to Joey. I turn back to face the front. We finally arrive at the hotel. We all get off the bus and walk inside. I saw that Martinus was walking with Briana. Marcus runs up to me and holds my hand. I nudge him and point to his brother "Martinus has got a little thing going on there." He laughs as we walk up into the elevator. We get up to our floor and we go in to our room.

We were really bored and didn't know what to do. We just sat on our beds on our phones. I decided to make my account on Instagram public, now that we told everyone that we are dating and I had so many people requesting to follow me. I instantly gain almost 50k followers. More and more likes and comments on my pictures. I went through some of them and most of them were nice, there was the occasional 'go kill yourself' or 'Marcus is too good for you' but I knew I would get hate so it didn't really bother me.

"Do you want to make a YouTube video?" Martinus asked. "Yeah that will be fun" Marcus was keen so I said yes too. "What are we going to do?" Marcus asked. "We should do the 'how well do you know each other challenge' it will be really funny" the boys agreed and we started filming. We started the challenge and we were all doing really badly. We would laugh at each other every time we would get an answer wrong because we got to slap each other with whipped cream. I ended up winning the challenge. I didn't really care though. I had to come up with an idea for the losers to do. "One of you has to lick a bit of whipped cream off of the others face" their jaw dropped. Marcus went in and licked the cream off of Martinus' face. We were all laughing our heads off we had so much fun.


I went to go see Liv in her room. I knocked on the door nobody answered I then noticed the door was unlocked so I opened it just a bit to see if anyone was inside. I saw Liv and those two guys covered in cream all over their faces, I saw how happy Liv was. She was laughing and she was having such a great time. It was really sad to know she was happy without me and that she had moved on. Maybe it was my turn to move on too, I just don't know how.

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