Chapter 6 ~ Why?

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I went to Starbucks and when I came back, I saw Tayler with Liv and then all of a sudden they kissed! It went for ages. I couldn't stand to watch my worst nightmare come to life in front of my eyes so I went to sleep.


Why did you kiss me?" I asked. "Because you should be with him and not Mia, Joey doesn't know what he is missing so by kissing you it made him jealous and he might realize how much he needs you. " Tayler made a good argument. "But why would he bully me for all of this time if he liked me?" "Think about it, to bully you he has to talk to you, after all of these years you have gotten closer." Wow maybe Joey really did like me. "Goodnight Tayler." "Goodnight Liv."

I woke up and Tayler was gone. I got up and got some breakfast and went up to get changed when I saw Tayler and Joey arguing and pointing at me. I knew straight away they were talking about our kiss.  I ignored them and got changed but I made sure to close my curtains. I just laid in bed and watch Netflix and go on instagram. I see I have 657 follow requests. Shit, who are all of these people? How did these people find me? I see Joey has tagged me in a video, it's of me crying. My heart broke into two. Why would he do this? I read the caption, I'm always here for you babe <3! I was so confused I watched the video again, it was of my crying but Joey was wrapped around me. I was lost. I heard a knock on the window. It was Joey. I didn't know whether to answer, but I did.


I had to get the guts to go over to Liv's house and talk about Tayler and the kiss. Eventually I did, and I walked down the ladder and up again to Liv's window. I knock, she doesn't answer for a while but then she let me in. It was really awkward and tense but I tried to break the silence. "Hi" she looked at me weirdly. "Why" this made my heart sink. I knew she had seen me and Mia. "It was a mistake, look I really like you, after all these years of bullying you, I just wanted to get closer to you."


Tayler was right, he did like me. I was lost for words. "Why?" Joey asks me. I knew he was talking about the kiss. "He was looking for you and then he came to see if you were with me and then he kissed me to make you jealous. I'm sorry." I break out into tears and he holds me tight. "It's okay Liv." I keep crying. He hugs me and then we lie on my bed. We watch a movie and just sit in silence. "Liv, I love you" he looks into my eyes. He pulls me in closer.

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