Welcome to our Side Part 17

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And so I found myself sneaking up behind Brooksy who was sitting against the wall, not even acting like a proper lookout, and picking his nose.

"Stop that boy!" I shouted, and Brooksy nearly jumped through his skin.

"Where...where did you come from...you scared me. I thought you was sick or somethin'."

"Well you thought wrong," I said. "I see you're out spying on us for the master."

"No I wasn't," he replied. "Not really. I mean I wasn't gonna tell him nothin' anyhow."

"Right! Just that you saw Jack and me when we would knock on the door again...yeah...you're gonna tattle aren't ya?"

"No I wasn't! Master told me to come out here to look for you two and identify you when he comes out to get his report, that's all, and I was gonna say I saw nothing."

"Even when he asks you who knocked on the door a second time?" I said.

"I just was gonna say I saw nothin'."

"What did he promise you for tattlin'?"

"He said I'd probably pass the fifth grade and would be in big trouble if I didn't do what he asked. I need to pass the fifth grade this time. I've been two times not passin'. I gotta pass."

"You'll pass and you'll do as we say, not what Whittemore says, or else you're gonna get a visit from the Midnight Raiders just when you least expect it."

I drew my index finger across my throat.

"Look, whose side do you want to be on - Whittemore's and get the black mark on your bedroom window from the Midnight Raiders? Or do you want to join our side, join the Midnight Raiders and become a fierce loyal pirate and see our fort across the river?"

"Me? A Midnight Raider?"

"Yes. We want you to join our ranks and become a fierce and loyal pirate like us. But you can never, never tell anyone about our activities or you'll receive the black mark one night on your bedroom windowpane and you know what that means, don't you?"

I again trailed my index finger across my throat.

"We'll have the blood ceremony Saturday and after that you are sworn to total secrecy and can never reveal nothin' about the Midnight Raiders to no-one and especially not to Master Whittemore. He is the enemy and the penalty for colloboratin' with the enemy is walkin' the plank."

"What plank? What's a plank?"

"Believe me, you don't want to know," I said importantly.

Brooksy looked scared enough so now I popped the question.

"Well whose it gonna be sonny boy? Whittemore or us?"

"I want to be a Midnight Raider more than anythin' in the world. Count me in. I'm with you forever and I'll never turn you in to master even if he canes me to death. I'll never reveal the secrets of the Midnight Raiders. But...what do I do about master?"

"You just hold tight and I'll be right back with more specific orders from the captain. Welcome to our side!" I ran across the road and reported to Jack.

"So I was dead right," he said. "Go back and tell Brooksy to get his ass back inside right away and to tell master he's got a bad stomach ache from eatin' grass he thinks a dog peed on. Master'll have to believe that because he'll know that Brooksy's way too dumb to ever have that kind of imagination."

"I don't know Jack. Why don't we just tell him to tell master he saw who knocked on the door and it wasn't us and it wasn't anyone he'd ever seen before? He can just say he thought it was two runaway darkies."

"Nah...too complicated. Master will interrogate him and find out he was a'lyin'. Then he'll be on to us. Besides we want him to think it was us and not someone else. We just don't want him to know for certain. Believe me son, I know what I'm doin'. So run along sonny boy and give the order just like I said it."

"Good," I said, and I scrambled back to where Brooksy was sitting and chewing on a piece of grass.

"The order has come. You have to follow orders from now on exactly as they're given from the captain. If he says do somethin' you just do it and ask no questions. If he says don't do somethin', don't do it. It's that simple. Followin' orders is easy. So no more actin' like you're a damn fool dummy or some nobody. You're a Midnight Raider, unofficially, and tomorrow it'll be official, so be sure to act like one. Remember, from now on you're a Midnight Raider so don't ever tell anyone that you are one, don't even talk about the Midnight Raiders to anyone - not even your closest friend. Now go back inside and tell master right away that you just got a bad stomach ache cuz you think you ate some grass that a dog a peed on. Don't tell him anythin' else. Make it quick cuz we are going to attack in five minutes. That way you'll be inside again when we come a'knockin at master's door again. We'll meet tonight at Jack's barn."

I watched him climb back into the privy.

"Good luck," said I, "and welcome to our side."

Jack: Book One in the Trilogy, the Battle BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now