The Market Lady Part 34

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We headed back across the river to the market downtown where there were lots of fruit and vegetables and all kinds of food being sold in the market stalls. The first thing Jack did was borrow a large burlap bag that had the words "Dark Coffee Beans" on it.

"Here," Jack said, "You carry it over your back and I'll show you just how fast I can fill'er up."

Then Jack started lifting turnips and peaches and apples and carrots and beats and lemons and limes and even a small watermelon. Within five minutes the bag was already heavy. Jack was good. He'd get people talking and say something nice to them about what they was wearing or something and the next thing your knew he snitched something quick as lightning off the table and put it in ma sack. Then when they'd turn around again Jack would talk to them some more and do the same thing next time they turned around.

"Oh look, there's a rotted peach. You better git it outta there," he told a large woman with a blue and white polka-dotted apron and yellow sunbonnet.

"Oh you sweet boy! Why thanks for a'pointin' that out to me."

"That's okay. I like pretty women such as yourself. It just makes ma day if I can do somethin' good like that."

And the woman blushed and gave each of us a handful of cherries.

"Oh ma'am you didn't have to. You're too kind," Jack said as he snitched another larger watermelon and sacked it in a second after she done turned around again to tend to her peaches.

"You sure have beautiful peaches," Jack said.

"Oh you are so complimentary, have a peach both of you. Here's a good ripe one for you and here's beautiful Georgia peach just for you too. Now you boys have a nice day."

"Thank you so much ma'am but I hate to take somethin' for nothin'. Can I unload those watermelons for ya?"

Jack: Book One in the Trilogy, the Battle BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now