Jack Comes to the Rescue Part 30

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So when we got back from recess I went to the judge and asked if we could have a new lawyer, saying our lawyer wasn't doing anything for us. The judge said he didn't know, that it was up to Mr. Whittemore.

Whittemore was more than delighted with the request.

"Oh and who is your choice - pick anyone you like? The evidence is so strong at this point that it really makes no difference to me, I assure you. Would you like the judge to play a dual role, that is, being your lawyer and the judge?"

"No sir. We all talked about it and we all want Jack to be our lawyer," I said.

Master's smile deserted his face like it was the sun blotted out by a big black cloud.

"You want to place your fates in the hands of that good-for-nothing boy who doesn't know the first thing about lawyering!"

"Yes sir. All of us do. We want Jack!"

"So you want Mr. Stone to match his wits against mine in this trial even though he himself is on trial as he clearly is the accused at this point. So be it Mr. Foster! It's your own neck in the noose! So be it! Your Honor, I humbly accept the challenge and I really look forward to learning how Mr. Jack Stone intends to slither his way out of this one!"

"We rest our case Your Honor," Whittemore said. "Go forth Mr. Stone to your downfall, I expect."

Jack: Book One in the Trilogy, the Battle BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now