A Tree House 'Just Like Mike's' Part 25

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It was not hard to see that Jack took advantage of poor, dumb Brooksy but then the whole world took advantage of him and so, the way I saw it, it might as well be a friend taking advantage of him before some stranger who knew nothing nor cared anything for Brooksy. And now Brooksy was getting the benefit of using the canoe almost like it was his own property again, although it was of course Brooksy's father's boat. But he probably never knew the difference anyhow as he had his boat launch on the river and had lots of canoes so one less probably made no difference to him. And the midnight raiders needed that canoe to launch attacks and make plans against the enemy - Whittemore. At least that's what Jack said.

Besides, Jack said he always intended to give it back one day and that he wasn't even going to ask for the marbles back. Jack did have a generous side.

So we got in the boat and began paddling across that river to the other bank Saturday morning. The river was tricky in parts but Jack who steered in the back and me in the front – he called the positions the stern for the back and the bow for the front - knew how to negotiate the swirling water that all of a sudden would start to push the canoe in a circle if we didn't watch out. But Jack always mastered it.

"Go with the current," he would say. And he taught us how to read the water.

"Look at how the current is moving and then follow it to where you want to go. When you want to go backwards look for current that reverses itself and try to catch it and turn the boat around."

We jumped out knee deep in mud on the other side. Brooksy said it was the most fun he'd ever had except for last night at Whittemore's which he said nothing could ever beat for sheer excitement and pleasure. But Brooksy didn't know Jack and had no idea of just how much excitement Jack could find. But he was going to find out. That's for sure - being a Midnight Raider and all.

After climbing the muddy bank with vines and bushes and tree roots cutting through the mud walls we located the tree house. Brooksy was astonished.

"Looks just like Mike's," he said, as Jack and I exchanged knowing looks.

"It is just like Mike's you idiot! And that's cuz it is Mike's. But you better never reveal it to no-one, got it?"

"Yeah. I won't. I keep my secrets," said Brooksy. 

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