Jack Gets a Job Part 36

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Jack and I went back to Molly's stall that afternoon and I was shocked when Jack told her that he had stolen a pile of fruit and vegetables from her but said it was for a good cause and he wanted to work it off and pay her back.

At first Molly was angry but then smiled at Jack, saying she had been right about him anyway, that even though he stole from her, she was greatly affected by his telling the truth and offering his services. She said he could certainly help her and that the next time we needed food to just ask and she'd give us all we wanted and even give him a job. So she gave Jack a job at helping her sell at the market and she said I could help too if I wanted which I said I would. So that's what we did.

Jack was the smoothest talker in Charleston and knew how to win people over to his side. And he sold twice as much food in a day as she could so she was all smiles every time Jack showed up for work, which was two or three times a week.

So we had a job all that summer and we made a little money and we had more than enough food for Leroy who was living like a king, he said. Jack said he heard Molly talking one day to another woman who had a stall nearby where ladies' bonnets were being sold - pink ones and yellow ones and big blue ones - and that he overheard them talking about a secret way to the north for runaways. Jack said he was going to ask Molly if she could help Leroy go north but first he wanted to get Leroy's permission. "Wouldn't be fittin' to ask her without Leroy consentin'," Jack said, "cuz he's the one takin' the risk." 

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