Chapter 13

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, so before you guys read this, I just wanted to say that I symptom of dating a sociopath is that the relationship moves VERY quickly. Let me know what you guys think!  Enjoy. :) <3

Mary's POV


----------------------------------------------2 months later-------------------------------------------------------------

I walk through the front doors of my house and immediately just flop onto my bed.

It's not like I didn't know that being a psychologist would be hard work; I always expected that. And I told myself that I would be ready for it. That it would be worth it.

But it's still not anything that I've expected. 

When I thought about having a real job in this, I thought that it would be interesting. To be able to dwelve deeper into the minds of so many different people so I can truly help and understand them. 

But it's so stressful. 

Yes, I make over a hundred dollars an hour. But I'm working 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. And each patient is 1 hour. And there are different patients almost everyday.

But that's not what's stressing me out.

The worst part is that I feel like I'm the only thing that's holding their life together. It makes me feel like if I make even one simple mistake and tell someone the wrong thing, they might take their own life. 

Even after years of Psychology, I just now realized that I will never ever be able to understand the complexity of the human mind. 

It's just not that simple and it never will be. 

But it's just that I feel like I can't really help them. Or if I can, what if I'm not helping them enough? 

I've always been told that the last thing I should do in this program is to get attached to the patients. I'm supposed to keeping a professional appearance for their sake.

But it's still really difficult.

Mainly because my therapist that I used to go to ditched me as well. It happened randomly. Out of nowhere. She never called me back when I missed an appointment.

Just showed how much she cared.

That's honestly one of the main reason that I wanted to be a psychologist. I wanted to be there for someone because there was no one there for me. 

The sound of my cell phone ringing brings me out of the thoughts...thankfully. I don't know how much I could have handled this. 

Without looking at who was calling, I put the cellphone to my ear and mumbled a tired,"What?" into the speaker.

There's a laughter and then a deep, melodic voice on the other line,"Nice to talk to you too, then."

I immediately smile,"Hey, Kevin."

We've started seeing eachother again several weeks ago. It's been so amazing. He hasn't been acting strange at all lately and everytime we're together, he acts like it's the first time he's laid his eyes on me.

"Hey, babe.", he says,"You got any plans tonight?"

"Nope.", I say,"Why?"

"Let me take you out.", he says, succinctly.

"Hmmm, depends.", I say in a teasing manner.

"Alright.", he feins surrender,"What can I do to make you come to dinner with me?"

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