Chapter 34

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I only had a brief second to see his fist falling before my feet took off. And at that moment, I thank god for my reflexes. 

It's as if my legs have a mind of their own and I begin to run towards no destination in particular.

All I know is that I have to get the hell away from him right now.

After about 5 minutes of running, I hear footsteps fall rapidly behind me. Taking a chance, to look back, I see James quickly catching up to me. He wants to avenge his sister's death. He's always wanted to avenge her death. Only now he has a perfect opportunity.

"You're not going anywhere!", his voice is dangerously close to me and before I have a chance to react, I feel his hand on my shoulder and myself being pulled backwards.

Stumbling on my feet, he punches me with the back of his fist; causing me to meet the pavement before my mind is able to comprehend that I've lost my chance of escape.

His nails dig into my skin as he grabs both of my arms and begins to drag me into an alley. Damn it, why are there so many alleys in this city?

I kick my feet and scream, but he quickly smothers my mouth with his hand.

"Let me go!", I scream the most obvious and cliche response as soon as he removes his hand.

Grabbing me by the collar, he pulls me up to my feet and shoves me into the brick wall.

"Where. Is. He?", he slowly enunciates each and every syllable,"I know you know, and if you tell me, I won't hurt you anymore. We already cleared that he isn't at your house. Not surprising. But you've kept him hidden somewhere. WHERE?!?!"

I flinch and turn my head to the side,"I don't know, you fucking bastard!"

Amazingly, he smiles and slowly snakes his hand to my upper arm,"So we're gonna play this game?...Okay. It'll be more fun, anyway."

Suddenly, he yanks my arm with so much force, I'm afraid that he might have just pulled it off. In fact, I could have sworn that I heard a popping noise at the same instant he pulled.

A scream emerges from my mouth and I fall to the ground. Half expecting my arm to be severed, I'm surprised to see that it's not even bleeding.

But the pain is so excruciating, I know that he did something to it.

Before I even have time to hoist myself up, his foot collides with the side of my waist; kicking it twice. A mere 'oomph' comes out of my mouth as I attempt to turn over and crawl away from him.

James puts his foot on my stomach, lightly to keep my pinned to the ground. He kneels down and leans in close to my face.

"I know you know where that killer is.", he whispers,"But I also know you won't tell me...not yet at least. But don't you even think about calling the would be a shame if something happened to your daughter. What's her name? Celia, right?"

My eyes fly open wide and I shout,"If you touch her, I'll rip your skin off your body!!!"

"No need for that, Mary.", he smiles again, showing his teeth,"I'll be back in a few days. And you'll tell me. And I won't lay a hand on you or your precious little baby. And if you run, I'll find you. Don't worry, Mary, I will see you again. I enjoyed our little....little reunion."

"No...", I moan and slowly roll over to my side. And as soon as I do, my hip is pressed against something soft, yet hard. 

It's my purse. Unfortunately, James locks his eyes on my purse at the same time and grabs my purse before I have time to reach it and slams it against the wall, spilling its contents all over the floor. Including something heavy and metal. 

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