chapter 1: Just a typical day, right?

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Amelia's pov
"Ugh shut the fuck up!"

What a way to start the day with an alarm clock waking you up from a dream that I've already forgotten, shit
I roll out of bed and fall on the floor, I groan and walk into the bathroom to do my usual routine.

I take a hot shower to ease my tense body, I get out and quickly wrap the towel around to figure out what I'm gonna wear today.

I pull out faded black skinny jeans and a maroon crop top, I blow dry my hair and put it up into a messy bun, I grab my iPhone, purse, and school bag.

As I make my way down stairs I see my mom over the stove working like a slave, she has bags under her eyes so I'm guessing she was up all night waiting for my dad, my dad has become a drunkie but it hasn't just happened it took time for it to develop, he started when my grandma died, he just hasn't been the same, she was the only person who could keep him sane even my mother couldn't do that.

"Hey mom" I said giving her a small sad smile

"Hey Mia, how did you sleep?" She said not looking up from the stove, she kept her eye on the sizzling bacon.

"Fine, dad not home yet?"

"No" she said with a sigh, "I'm afraid his problem is getting worse"

I was about to say something when we both heard the front door slam, we both jumped in surpise, we turned around to see my dad stumbling towards the stairs.

"Wheres my fucking phone women" he slurred not focusing on my mom
She flinched as he said this and quietly responded " you left it here when you left last night, its been going off like crazy" she said while looking at the ground.

"Dad take it easy on mom she's been worried about you" I said to him maybe a little too confidently, by the look on his face he didn't like it.
He stalked towards me tripping on his own feet but caught himself before he fell.

"What the fuck did you just say to me!"

Before I could respond I felt a stinging pain on my cheek, before I could recall what happened my mom started screaming at him.

"Richard" that's my dads name, "don't you dare hit our daughter, apologize right now!" I really wish she hasn't said that, he looked at her with a scowl, she had fear in her eyes, I saw the look on his face going from anger and pure hatred, to something soft I hadn't seen in a while.

I left the house without a second thought and started walking to school, I would have taken my car, but I just didn't feel like driving.
I felt something hot and wet slide down my cheek, I quickly wiped it away realizing it was a tear.

A few people were standing outside the school with their friends, some people started staring at me so I bowed my head and sped walked to the girls bathroom.

When I looked in the mirror I noticed why people were staring at me, I had a blue and black bruise appearing on my cheek, I silently cursed my dad and left the girls bathroom to my locker where I knew my best friend Rebecca would be waiting.

As soon as she saw me there was a look of horror on her face, she stepped closer to me and brushed her thumb gently over the bruise, I winced in pain and a tear slid down her cheek.

"I swear to god if he does something like this to you again I will kill him myself" she looked like she was ready to punch someone

I gave her a reassuring smile "its fine, he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing"

"Its not fine, people say that when your drunk it brings out your true personality, let's find queen slut I need to put this mood of mine to good use" she smiled evilly and I started to giggle.

I stopped as soon as I heard heels clicking down the hallway
"Well Becca looks like we don't need to go slut hunting after all, cause hear comes the demon herself" she smirked, and acted like we didn't see Sarah the queen bitch heading our way, I heard the clicking stop right in front of us

"Well well well, what have we got here, the schools nerd and her sidekick" I smirked and decided that I would speak for the first time to Sarah.

I had a bitchy mood and I wasn't gonna let it got to waste,
" well if it isn't queen slut herself, I would bow down to you but I'm afraid if I even get close to you I would catch claumidia" I smile and innocent sweet smile.

The look on her face was priceless, it looked like steam was coming out of her ears.

" woah the nerd talks, at least I can get some unlike the virgin Mary you are" she smired thinking that was a good comeback.

"At least I dont have to worry about being easy to guys like the ones you've fucked, that's every guy in the school now right? I'm pretty sure some of them were girls as well from what I've heard, and I'd rather save myself rather than getting laid every time I saw some guy,you really think that sleeping with anything with a dick makes you popular, go right ahead cause all anyone ever thinks about you is some slut who has no self respect or self preservation, if I were you I would turn right back around before this turns into something that you can't finish, and before you even think about coming up with some worthless come back I would think about what I've just said cause everyone knows its true" I hissed at her.

Everything that I just said had been things that have been building up for a while, I didn't realize that a crowd had formed around us, I also didn't realize what was happening until she said something that totally got to me.

"At least my dad doesn't get drunk come home and beat me, I bet he's even raped you by now am I right?"
She started smirking happy with herself but that all changed when I tackled her to the ground, I kept repeatedly punching her in the face, she was bleeding from a busted lip, a broken nose and I cut just under her eye, she started screaming with pain but I couldn't stop, I didn't stop even when she was out cold.

I wanted to stop myself but I couldn't, all emotion that had been building up, was completely gone and used into one beating.

I stood up and looked around at all the shocked faces, some people were recording, some people looked at me in fear, but the thing that got to me most was that my best friend looked at me with glee.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me away from everyone, we ran out the front door of the school, she pushed me in her car, as she started driving we sat in a comfortable silence.

I realized we were heading back to my place, she kicked me out of her car and forced me inside to tell my mom what happened.

She sped away in her car so I was left with a mess that I had to explain, before I walked in the door all I could hear was my mother screaming.

I burst through the front door to everything in the living room smashed and my mother hitting my dad.

Before I could process what was happening I had already pulled my mom off my dad and was holding her close, she was shocked at first but when she saw me, her tears became uncontrollable and she pulled me close, she was muttering something in my shirt but I couldn't understand her, I put her an arms length away from me, wiped her tears away and told her to explain, what she told me next had me at breaking point.
I don't think I'll ever be the same again.

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