Chapter 16

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While getting changed for my next class, I couldn't help but think that I've finally made a friend who's worth keeping around. Just as I was about to exit the girls changing rooms, the barbie girl from before walks in.

"Who do you think you are walking around like you own the place, I rule this school so you need to stay out of my way before I make your life a living hell." She says with her hands on her hips.

"Your pathetic if you think that is actually gonna happen, I will never take orders from the likes of you, a fake barbie who whores around and thinks she can have anything she wants. Other people may listen to you, but when it comes to someone like me, a person who stands up to bullies like you and can actually defend myself, that will never be a reality." I state with a smirk on my face.

She stands there gaping at me like a fish, "Look you cant talk to me that way-"

I cut her off "I think I just did, you will never be able to control me like everyone else, those friends you think you have, they are only by your side because they don't want to be on the receiving end of all your abuse. Get your head out of your ass and you might actually be a decent person, I don't see how that's possible though." I say with disgust.

As she looks at me it seems as though she is about to cry, "Truth hurts, doesn't it." I say as I walk out. As I step outside the doors I see all the guys from PE class crowding around them, they obviously heard what I was saying then.

I look around at everyone and notice two guys in the back whispering to each other while looking at me, one of them is the rogue from before and one is a guy I have never seen before. I look at them suspiciously before moving on to my next class.

History, Great. One of the subjects that I loathe with my whole entire being. I mean I'm good at this subject, I just find it boring and I don't see the point in it, why can't we learn something that will actually help us in the future instead of things we could have done in the past. Those choices were already made and that's how we've ended up here.

I walk in and take a seat in the very back in the corner, the guy that was whispering to the rogue before enters the class and looks around a little bit. All the girls have by now pulled their tops down to expose more of their breasts and have pulled the skirts up higher, but i noticed that he doesn't pay attention to any of that.

He just continues his way through the class to the back, he looks at this corner and does a double take. He walks a bit faster towards me and stops in front of me.

"Sweetheart your in my seat, could you move to another one." He says with a smirk.

I look at him up and down evaluating him, he actually reminds me of the rogue, he has the same black hair in a quiff but instead of blue eyes, his eyes are hazel. He's also quiet built, overall he's pretty hot. I also take in what hes wearing, a white t-shirt that hugs his pecks, a leather jacket over top and black ripped jeans. Hes obviously what people call a bad-boy and I love me some bad-boy.

I look around the desk an all over the chair, he looks at me with a questioning gaze,

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Trying to find your name, it looks like there appears to be none, so find another seat, sweetheart." I said with a sarcastic smile.

He looks at me with a small smile and takes the seat next to me,

"I like you, I'll let you off this time, what's your name?"

"I like you too for an annoying asshole, Amelia, what's yours?" I say with a smirk.

"Jace Collins, I am to assume you are a werewolf correct?" He questions me.

Only then do I take into account the powerful aura in the room,

"Beta or soon to be Alpha?" I ask him with a knowing smile

He smiles showing his perfect white teeth, "Guess" He says teasing me.

"Well considering the whole entire female population in this class is glaring at me or trying to seductively smirk at you, I would have to say soon to be Alpha but also considering the fact that you didn't pull me up for calling you an asshole or even get angry at the fact that I did I might have to change my mind." I say narrowing my eyes at everyone in the room causing them to turn away all but one, you guessed it, Barbie.

"Good observation, I am in fact to be Alpha, and the reason I didn't pull you up for the comment is because for some reason my wolf didn't get mad, but I am also wondering about your previous position. I can feel power radiating from you, whats that about?" he questions.

"I only recently found out about all of this werewolf stuff so I have no idea why I seem to have a powerful aura, I didn't belong to a pack so I have always been a rogue. My mom told me some things before she died, would you be able to help figure some things out?" I state, for some reason I just feel like I can trust him with all I have.

"Sure, you seem like one big mystery that I can't wait to figure out." he said before he turned to pay attention.

Through out the rest of the day I kept trying to figure out how I fit into everything, but I guess I'll just have  to wait until that time appears.

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