Chapter 12

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3 months later

Its a quiet afternoon at the diner, where I have currently been working for the past 2 and 1/2 months. I have set myself up in a small apartment in the city and have made a few new friends such as, Kayla, Jesse and Mike. Mind you they are my work mates. Kayla is quite a chick with an attitude. When I first met her, she was working in the diner I work at now (still is) she wasn't exactly the nicest person around, so when I ordered, I said "I'll have the number 7 without the bitchy attitude please" She got pissed at first but started laughing afterwards. She had a snort as a laugh, so naturally I started laughing along with her.

Then there's Jesse, he's such an oblivious sweetheart. He's got beautiful blue eyes that could have any girl falling on their knees. He's a bit slow sometimes when it comes to using his head but he's great, I wouldn't change him for anything.

Lastly, there's Mike. He's the manager of the diner, he seems like a miserable old git but that's only because of his ex-wife who everyone hates. She cheated on him with his best friend, Mike and Fiona (the ex-wife) had five children together but the youngest two seem to belong to his best friend. It broke Mike in half when he found out but he still visits them regularly. She divorced him and took half of everything he had. Poor Mike, but at least he has us to lean on.

"More coffee please". A man yells from across the room successfully snapping me out of my day dream.
Kayla snorts at me, "dreaming about lover boy again?" She questions with a smirk. I glare at her for talking about him. "No, if you must know I was thinking about the lovely people I call my friends, which unfortunately includes you" I say with a small smile.
"Aww that was so cringe, I feel tears coming on" she jokes fanning her face.
"Whatever." I say walking away from her and to the man who called out before.
"Here you go sir, can I get you anything else" I say with a friendly smile.
"Actually can you get Kayla I've been waiting to talk to her, and tell her to hurry the fuck up before I lose my patience" he sneers at me.
I narrow my eyes at him and clench my fist trying to calm myself down.
"Actually sir," I say mocking him "I believe that your intentions towards her are dangerous so I am kindly asking you to leave before I lose my patience". I say glaring at him.
He leaps out of his chair and grabs my wrist in a tight grip brining me towards him, "If you don't get her, I will get her myself and I will not be pleased, your only making this worse sweetheart so listen to what I say before you regret it".
I smirk at him before I bring my knee up and hit him in his family jewels. He leans of in pain long enough for me to bring my knee up again and hit him in the nose, I grab him by his elbow and drag him outside where I literally kick his ass until his on his stomach on the pavement.
"Come here again and I will make sure you end up in the hospital, go near Kayla again and I will make sure you end up six feet under you malicious asshole, don't mess with me, you won't like the consequences." I say before going back inside to find everyone staring at me with wide eyes, I turn to Kayla who's crying and she gives me small smile mouthing thank you. I smile at her and bring her into a hug

"I'm always here for you Kayla, no matter what, if you need to you can come and stay with me so he doesn't come near you again".
She smiles at me, "I would love that, thank you Mia, you have no idea how happy I am".

I clock out of work and start on my way back home, its dark out and a little chilly. I move quickly on the sidewalk towards my apartment. My wolf starts to feel a little jittery and I can't explain it.

Midnight, what's wrong
He's coming but I'm not sure when
Who are you talking about?
Mate, mate is coming
We don't have a mate anymore remember, we rejected him
No, no mate is coming, but Different
What are you talking about?
I need to go

Before I can respond she's blocked me out and it leaves me a little on edge.

What the hell is going to happen?

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