Chapter 17

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Ahh the cafeteria, a place where whores and man whores basically have sex in a public place and where nerds are picked on for even being in the same area as others. I make my way towards the line to get food, when I hear a crash, I turn towards where it came from and see barbie standing over a girl with a pixie haircut.

"Your so disgusting, aww is the little girl upset, is she gonna cry?" Barbie states with fake empathy and slightly giggling.

The girl couldn't even look up at her, her lower lip started to wobble and that is when I had enough. I walked over and held my hand out to the girl to help her stand up, she looked up at me but looked at my hand skeptically. I gave her a small smile and pulled her hand to stand up.

I turned around and saw barbie looking at me in shock, such a bummer that I don't know what her real name is. She narrowed her eyes at me the quickly glanced at everyone else in the cafeteria who were silently watching or recording it with their phones.

"Step away from the hag, this has nothing to do with you, or do you want to receive the same treatment."

"Actually I would like you to step away from the girl, your a bully who no one likes, the only reason you have friends is because your either rich or they dont want to be on the receiving end of your bullying, and the only reason you get guys attention is because you dress like a slut and you open your legs for anything breathes. Have self respect and stop others down just because you want to feel better about yourself. I will deal with you myself if I see or even hear of you bullying again. Make yourself invisible the way you should be." I said before storming out of the cafeteria and heading towards the forest.

Right now I need to let Midnight out before she goes back and maims that poor excuse for a human being.

I reach the entrance and look around me to make sure no one else is there before striping and quickly shifting into my white wolf and sprinting off.

As I'm half way through my run and Black wolf with grey underbelly runs next time nudging me with his snout, with his indication I follow him to an open meadow filled with flowers, he trots to the middle and lays down.

I stop and lay next to him and moves around so that he can lay his head on my back. I look into it's eyes and find green ones staring back at me. I stand up and quickly run back to shift so I could forget what just happened and hope that what I'm thinking is wrong.

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