Chapter 15

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While I was walking towards the stands where the rest of the class was, I notice a group of guys in the middle of them all staring at me. As I looked closer I saw the guy from the office incident smirking and laughing with them all, I walked closer as was walking past them when someone whistled and reached out to grab my ass. I snatched at their wrist and snapped their hand upwards, I turned towards the person and noticed it was the exact same guy from the office.

"Try to touch me again, I wont hesitate to break any bones" I all but growled at him.

His smirk fell but he looked around at his friends then look back at me, his smirk returning, "Well sweetheart how about you let us all have a go with you and I'll forget about your little stunt."

I looked at him and growled, I jumped on him and didn't hold my fists back from flying to his face. I was only satisfied once i heard the crunch of his nose and his howl of agony from his broken nose.

"That is less than you deserve, stay the fuck out of my way!" I spat at him and walked to the other side of the stands to sit down, once i did I looked around and noticed everyone w3as staring at me out of awe and fear.

I sat there until the teacher walked in and told everyone to run 10 laps around the gym, i was first one finished and I wasn't out of breath either. I decided to do some push ups and sit ups before everyone else finished to get my blood flowing little more.

I sat down and waited for everyone else to finish, when I heard a low growl come from outside of the gym doors, I made sure no one was watching when I opened them and peered around. All I could feel was a strong emotion of fear wash over me, I walked into the hall way and out an exit that led to the school dumpsters. When I walked in front of it I heard a ferocious growl.

I walked to the edge of the forest behind the school wear I saw four guys standing around the rogue that I saw at my apartment complex, he was the one emitting the fear but I also noticed that he was trying to stand up for himself from the other guys.

"I don't want any trouble, I'm just here for school." He said with confidence.

One of the four guys then spoke, "We dont want any rogues on our territory, get lost before we rip your throat out." He spat at him.

I decided to intervene before any blood was spilt, "Then I guess you need to take up with your Alpha, because we're allowed here as long as we're not causing any trouble, and by the looks of it you're harassing him" I spoke to them.

One of the bigger looking ones walked up to me, "We don't want him here if he's gonna be acting all high and mighty, especially if he decides that he wants to parade around with someone else's girlfriend"

"It's not his fault he's better looking than you, take it up with the girlfriend that decided to ditch you for someone else, wheres the loyalty?" I said back to him.

"Watch it rogue your not one to speak about loyalty when you've obviously been kicked out of your pack!" He said angrily taking a step towards me.

"Actually I am one to speak about loyalty, I didn't get kicked out, I left because someone didn't show loyalty towards me when I was his mate, so id watch your mouth if I were you before I do something I regret."

"Oh so the little rogue had a mate who cheated, to scared to ask the Alpha for a transfer" he said laughing at me.

My wolf started getting angry at this guy and I was pretty sure i was about to rip his dick off and shove it down his throat. "He was the Alpha fuckface, do you really think he would let me leave willingly, it was his fault that I left when he decided to try and make me his mistress!" My sanity was hanging on by a thread.

"Oh so your just a whore who left cause she didn't get attention, what a joke!" he said laughing with his friends.

I snapped, I launched towards him but before I could reach him someone wrapped their arms around my waist, "You need to calm down this wont change anything" someone said breathlessly into my ear.

I turned my head slightly towards the person who was restraining me, "Get me out of here!" I said through gritted teeth.

He nodded his head and picked me up bridle style towards the other side of the school onto the field. He sat me down while i tried to calm myself down, he sat next to me just silently waiting.

Once I was calmed down, I looked at him, he had black hair that was in a quiff and bright blue eyes that were sparkling, as my gaze trailed down I noticed he was quiet built and obviously kept in good shape.

I looked back at his face again and he was smirking at me, "Done checking me out yet?" he asked.

I grinned at him "Not quiet yet"

He looked at me shocked and then starting laughing when he noticed my teasing grin, we sat on the field just talking for the rest of the period, only when the bell rung did we realize how long we were there for.

"What class have you got next?" I asked him,

"History, what about you?"

"Same" I replied with a small smile.

"Well we better get going then" He stood up and brushed the grass off of his pants, he then held out his hand to help me up.

"I forgot to thank you for helping me with those guys before, I would have taken them i just didn't want to mess up my chances of staying here." He said to me as we were walking.

"No problem, bullies piss me off anyone, I've been on the receiving end of that one quiet a few times."

"I guess we'll have to look out for each other then."

"I've got no problem with that" I said with a small smile.

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