Chapter 13

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With the chilling thought of what my wolf told me, I continue with my walk back to my apartment. As I come to the door, I dig through my purse to try and find my keys but to only hear someones footsteps coming up from behind me. I watch out of the corner of my eye as someone walks past but to only smell that of a rogue, being a rogue myself I don't do anything about it, but I am now very cautious about who now lives here.

That should have been your main priority before we even moved in here, how could you be so ignorant!

Oh shut up Midnight its not like you made any comments about it at first, besides he didn't look nor talk to me so it should be fine now can I please think in peace cause we start school tomorrow and I don't feel like having any more lack of sleep than I already do.

Fine whatever, but don't seek help from me when he tries to kill us in our sleep

Oh please, you wouldn't be able to help yourself, after all we are the same person.

Whatever human, do what you need to do

After that talk with my wolf I enter my apartment and go upstairs to my bedroom, I go into my bathroom for  shower and do my usual routine after work.

I use my citrus scented body wash and clean myself all over and I wash my hair with the same scented shampoo and conditioner, while I'm  in the shower I have a little think about whats its gonna be like tomorrow, hopefully its not like my last school with the usual queen bitch and jocks, but if it is, then I am gonna have some fun with turning this school upside down.

After everything that has happened to me I have grown quiet a backbone, I'm only a bitch towards people that deserve it and when I'm defending myself, and I usually stick up for those who deserve it, I am very proud of the person I have become and I certainly hope that my mother is too.

When I get out of the shower and put my sleepwear on which usually consists of booty shorts and a tank top, I go to my closet to pick out my outfit for tomorrow. I chose Black ripped skinny jeans, a maroon crop top and my favorite leather jacket with my black vans. There is no way in hell that I'm taking my car to school which means that I am gonna have to take my motorbike. There is no better way to make a grand entrance, heads up bitches, Mia is in town.


Hey guys I know its been a while and I will spare you of the horrific events that happen in my life but I will say that I am gonna try to update more frequently cause my head is just overflowing with ideas, I also know that some of my grammar is really bad and that some parts might not make sense so please correct me on them, I would also like to let you know that for some reason Wattpad isn't letting me upload photos anymore so you will have to use your imagination for this story, I really hope you guys are enjoying it!!
Your secret writer

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