Chapter 9

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Once he was in his natural human form he started to walk towards me, I kept my guard up and bared NY teeth at him and he out his hands up in mock surrender, I stopped snarling at him but I was still on the balls of my paws ready to fight whoever I deemed as a threat. He was still slowly walking towards me and I let him, he was reaching out to strike my fur while still keeping eye contact. I was so confused as to why he would attack me and then want me to trust him. I was about to take a step back when he caught my head in between his hands, it was like he could see all of my secrets with the way he was looking my brown eyes, with his own hazel ones. He started to speak after a moment of silence.
"If you want to change back you need to imagine your bones shifting and reforming, then imagine yourself completely in human form, once you have done this your body will start to shift."
I could only just hear him above all of the other magnified sounds I was hearing. I cleared my head and started to concentrate on my shift. It was excruciatingly painful but not as much as my first shift. I closed my eyes and relaxed my body to let me change. I slowly opened my eyes and I looked down and realized that I was completely naked, that was until I felt a weight on my shoulders. I turned my head slightly to see Nick placing a long shirt on me. I turned my body to face him and when he least expected it, I punched him in the nose. As I turned to walk away only then did I notice all of the people surrounding us, they all looked at me with curious eyes. From the young to the old they all looked at me with suspicion and curiosity. I smirked at those I made eye contact with and they quickly looked away. I started walking towards the edge of people that had gathered and they parted like the red-sea. I walked towards the building with a sway in my hips. I still didn't look st the building in fear I would have to come to terms with the reality of the situation. I walked in through the doors not daring to take anything in, the first person I saw was a girl my age rushing around.
"Hey you!" I said a little loudly causing her to jump and squeek at the same time. At this point I was taking in her features, I had to hold back my laughter after looking at her, she was quiet beautiful and she knew it but all I can say is she was a major slut. She had the right curves but revealed it to much by wearing a crop top 5 times too small and a mini skirt where her ass could be seen, overall it was disgusting.
"Which way do I go to get to Nicks room?" She looked bewildered by the question I had asked.
"Excuse me? Why do you need to know where MY boyfriends room is?" She said to me as I felt a pang in my chest.
"Well that is where I last woke up, so I would like to collect my belongings and leave." She scowled at me and turned to walk away, I followed her and she led me down a long hallway.
She went straight to the last door and opened it, revealing the room I had previously woken up in.

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