Chapter 6

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I started to stir in my sleep, thats when I jolted up.

'Why am i asleep right now? How did I get here? Who's room is this? Who the fuck do these clothes belong to?'

I was wearing my matching black lace bra and underwear set but I was also wearing a white shirt that went just past my ass.

I sat up and took in my surroundings, on my left there was a small simple bedside table next to the king sized bed i was on, moving along the gray colored walls, my eyes scanned the glass doors that obviously lead out to a balcony.

Moving my eyes once again they came to see a flat screen t.v mounted onto the wall with a whole bookcase beneath it, filled with movies, video games, and game consoles.

'Those will come in handy with me' I thought.

I continued on and a few metres away from the t.v were double doors which im guessing lead into the hallway and finally to my right were two doors.

I got up and slowly started walking towards the first door. I wrapped my arms around my stomach to comfort myself.

I opened the door and gasped in shock. It was a huge walk in wardrobe half filled with very expensive suits, shoes, watches and cologne.

Here and there I noticed a few pairs of track pants and plain shirts but not many, the other half of the closet was completely bare. In the middle of the closet was a small white leather chair facing a floor length mirror on one of the walls.

I left the closet and quietly closed the door. I turned towards the second door and twisted the handle, i slowly pushed the door open and peered inside.

As soon as I did, steam came billowing into the bedroom itself, I narrowed my eyes to look properly through the steam, and what i saw made me catch my breath.

His brown hair was wet against his forehead, therr were droplets slowly slipping down his smooth chest towards his toned abdomine but what caught my attention the most was his piercing hazel eyes that never left my own brown ones.

I did another quick sweep of the figure before me. This time i was blushing a bright crimson red when i noticed the towel hanging loosely around his hips thst threatened to fall at any moment.

I realised i had been checking him out and moved my gaze back to his face to see him smirking, my blush became more vibrant.

I looked at this person more clearly and it suddenly clicked where i had seen him before, this was the guy from the lake, Nick, when i realised this a look of confusion and frustration was clear on my face.

But as quickly as it came it was clouded over with anger.

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